Monday, June 27, 2016

The Call...

Tanner waited and waited for his call.  (It had only been a week and 1/2 since he submitted his papers, but that seemed like forever to him :) )  He thought it was going to come on Wednesday, March 9th and it didn't.    So he hoped it would come the next day on Thursday.  It didn't arrive then either, so he hoped it would come on Friday.  When it didn't come Friday, he joked and said, "I guess it's never gonna come".  The next day, Saturday, March 12th, Mom was at a meeting and Dad was cleaning out the garage when the mail came.   Dad grabbed the mail and saw that the call had indeed arrived!  He ran down to Tanner's room to let him know and Tanner was so excited.  This was about 11:00 am and he texted all his family and friends and told them he was going to open it at 1:00.  So we through together a quick BBQ and had family over to eat and then all of his friends arrived and he opened his call.  He was so excited to find out he had been called to the Tahiti, Papeete Mission speaking French.  He was really hoping that he would be able to speak French on his mission.   He had taken 4 1/2 years of French in school.  We are all so excited for his call!  He will be a great missionary!

The call had finally arrived!
Waiting and anxious to open his call.

Zach and Tanner
The Dad's

The Fam

Mom and Dad

Big hugs from the Dad's

Emerie and Tanner


More Friends and Family

Opening the Call

Tanner and Bro. Cisney

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