Sunday, July 22, 2018

Homecoming day

Today was Tanner's Homecoming talk.  There were a lot of family and friends that came to support him.  He did a great job sharing his testimony of our Savior, sharing stories and experiences from his mission and expressing his love for the people of Tahiti.  It was neat to hear how his testimony has grown over the past couple of years.  We love having him home!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tanner was suppose to arrive home from his mission on July 17th at 6:30, we found out the day before that his flight had changed and he wouldn't be arriving until 9:48pm.  We were a little bummed but still super excited to see him.  He had a lot of family and friends come to support him even though it was late.  Best day ever, so fun to get that hug after 2 years.  Hard to explain the emotions that we all felt.  Welcome Back Elder McQuiston!