Sunday, September 4, 2016

Deux plus semaines!

To'u utuafare!

This week was so  much better with Tahitian thank goodness...Not that i'm good at it by any stretch, but I didn't feel completely helpless during all of our lessons, so that's good.  I had another super cool experience with the gift of tongues in our TRC on Tuesday.  Our first lesson was pretty normal, we understood very little of what he said, and he probably understood less of what we said haha.  But our second one was super cool, it was with a rm that got back a few months ago.  During our lesson, I understood almost everything he said, and I was saying words that I didn't even know, and remembering words that I'd only heard a couple times.  He said our Tahitian was amazing, even tho it usually is terrible haha, really cool.  It's comforting to know that the Lord will help me with the language if I'm doing my best and praying for the gift of tongues.  

On Saturday Elder Claflin and Elder Bradshaw were super sick, so I was pretty much stuck at the residence for most of the day.  I just studied the Book of Mormon in French and studied Tahitian all day.  Luckily though they got better pretty quickly, and they were only stuck in bed on Saturday.

On Sunday we were unassigned as zone leaders, and Elder Stainton and Johnson were assigned.  It was super cool, I got to host Elder Stainton his first day, and we're super tight.  He's from England and has the sickest accent, and is amazing at soccer.  They're both headed to Lyon, and all the Lyon, Paris and Tahitian missionaries leave on the same day, like 50 missionaries haha our branch is gonna be empty at the MTC.  Our devotional was pretty sweet that night, it was by the active director of the mission department or something like that, and he brought some missionaries that are in the district 3 that's coming out, as well as a convert they taught.  It was really cool hearing their experiences.

On Tuesday all of the Canadian missionaries left, so like Elder Yerke, Brenchley, and Hunker.  It was sad seeing them go, but they were pretty excited to get out there.  It's kinda funny , they were the first missionaries in our zone that came here after us and left before us.  Thursday we had a really cool devotional by President Maynes of the Presidency of the Seventy.   He gave a super cool talk on how to improve our teaching skills, and the impact that we can make in the field.  He talked to the mission president of a missionary that the baptized and taught on his mission, and the mission president shared a journal entry with him.  He said that the missionary was the best missionary he has ever seen, with an incredible amount of baptisms.  He said that what made him a great missionary was not that he was a great teacher, or that he had a great knowledge about the gospel, but because of his attitude, his hard work, and his obedience.  That's something that all of us missionaries can do, and something that we can all improve on.  

Well that's pretty much everything exciting that happened this week...2 more weeks and I'll actually have a ton to email about!

Je vous aime!
Ua here au outou! (Le meme chose)

Elder McQuiston  

 Our whole Zone before the Canadians left

 With the new Zone Leaders, Elder S. and Elder J.

Again with the new Zone Leaders

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