Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Kaoha, meitai

I'm loving life in the Marquises! We had a super good week this week!  We saw a lot of progression with our investigators, and taught a ton of lessons.  We had a few really good lessons with the branch here as well, and hopefully we should be able to do a lot more splits and get a lot more references.

On Monday we had a super super fun pday...We went  fishing with the Bonno's, a non pracitquant famille.  We drove like 30 minutes to this secluded empty beach, but the water was super high there so we could' fish there.  So we hiked around the mountain basically in the ocean and got completely drenched from head to toe cuz the ocean was so crazy and splashing everywhere.  Free Bonno went insane, and was flying over the rocks killing crabs, super funny.  Then we were fishing, and all of a sudden Frere Bonno jumps in the water with his rod and starts fishing in the middle of the ocean, I have no idea what he was thinking haha he's crazy.  That night we had a faatamaaraa with one of our investigators Kevin, which was super weird cuz he's like the only American here at Nuku Hiva, and we just taught him in English.  He's a super good cook, and made us Spaghetti, a nice break from straight poisson haha. 

There's a ton a reyreys here, which is the Tahitian word for transvestites.  We have some that live on the botton floor of our house, and they invited us over for lunch on Wednesday.  It was super super weird, cuz they both kinda look like girls, but when they talk it's super low and manly.

On Friday we went to go on a split with Frere Hokusai, and when we got there he asked if we had dinner plans, and we told him no. He then asked us if we wanted dog or pig for dinner, which he had killed earlier that week.  We said pig haha and he went inside and came back out with a actual pig leg, with everything but the fur and went and threw it in the sink to defrost.  Then after splits we came back and he prepared it frolic two hours while we just sat there, listening to him and his wife yell at each other over the stupidest stuff.  Bad situation.  Then after all that the food was mediocre at best, and we hustled and ate and left.

On Saturday we were a t Frere Louis' house, our most recent convert here in the branch, although it's been like 8 months or something since his baptism.  We were eating this homemade ice cream sort of stuff out of these small plastic cups, and mine suddenly exploded, and drenched my shirt orange.  Super funny haha it was so bad.  But it's all good I have two more shirts...And we're hoping my suitcases come around Tuesday, but no one really knows haha.

Kotanui everyone, je vous aime!

Elder McQuiston

 Frere Boono fishing in the middle of the ocean

The view form Frere Louis's house 

Our Chapel 

Me waiting for church to start

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