Saturday, July 16, 2016

I'm alive and well!

We were surprised to wake up and see an email from Tanner this morning.  He was able to send a quick, short email to let us know that things are well and when his p-day will be.  What a sweet surprise that was!

Hey guys I don't have too much time to write, our zone leaders just gave us a few minutes to write our families and tell them we're safe and everything is going well.  My day is tomorrow so luckily i'll be able to write you tomorrow and I can write more then.  My companion is Elder Bradshaw, he's a pretty funny guy, and I like him a lot besides the fact that he walks super slow everywhere and makes us late...I'll work on him haha.

First day was pretty much as expected, our teacher just talked to us in french the whole time and everything else was just orientation stuff with all the other new elders and sisters.  We had a huge group of people come in, like 680 or something like that, so we had to use more than one room for all the meetings. 

I like my district a lot, we have 9 elders and 3 sisters all going to Tahiti, and everyone is super chill and we're getting tight.  Our zone is sweet, we are all of the French speaking missionaries in the mtc, going to France, Canada, Tahiti, Madagascar, Washington DC and some other places.  Every night all of the French Elders get together in the bottom floor of the Elders residence and we sing a french hymn at the top of our lungs, so i'm sure all the other elders hate us haha but it's fun.  There's an elder in my zone that's going to Tahiti that went to Davis and was in some of my French classes, and he was one of the only 2 elders going to Tahiti before we got here.  He's pretty sick and is someone to talk to while i'm with my zone.  I'm excited for when Lij and my Canada friends all get here cuz they'll be in my zone and we can go to the temple and stuff together so that'll be chill.

For today that's pretty much all, but i'll talk to you tomorrow.

Elder McQuiston

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