Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 3 in Nuku Hiva

We had a super crazy week this week, tons of ups and downs.  Conference was super super good, definitely a highlight.  It didn't work well at first, it cut a ton, but we ended up getting it to work pretty good.  And one of the members brought their order here, so we got to watch it in English in the brace president's office, super nice haha.

Last day we just kinda relaxed, after emails we just went back to the house and relaxed and did some cleaning and stuff.  I had to make a new planner, which is crazy I'm already on planner 3!  (they last 6 weeks)  But my planner is pretty chill not gonna lie haha.  We have to reinforce them with cardboard and a cool picture from the liana or something and tape or else they get soaked through with sweat, which is pretty gross actually but hey no problem.

On Mardi we had like the worst day ever.  The boat arrived, which is called the Aranui, and it is half cargo and half cruise ship.  It's like the only way for people here to get anything, so like everyone has their family in Tahiti send them stuff on it, and a lot of people work with the tourists or whatever.  But in anywise, every one of our amis and members inactive cancelled their lessons, and nobody was home all day!  So there was basically nothing we could do all day, frustrating haha.  But on the bright side, I finally got my suitcases and my bike, so I actually have my clothes and stuff now!

The next three days went super well after that.  Merced we had a ton of lessons and did some contacting.  And then on Jeudi, we finally broke the streak here in Nuku Hiva!  For the first time in a year here, we have an investigator with a baptismal date set!  Her name is Karen, and although she's got a long way to go, she has the desire and knows that it's true.  We just have to keep her progressing, and make sure that she doesn't cancel.  And also that day, one of our amis that we've been doing lessons with that lives on Ua Huka, another island in our secteur said she wants to be baptized too, she just needs to talk with her mari about a date.  So that means we're gonna be taking a trip to Ua Huka for a week or so sometime next month, which should be super fun.  And then a week after that we'll probably head over to Ua Pou for another week, so Nov/Dec should be crazy.  It's crazy to think that there is only two missionaries, at Hiva Oa, within about 4 hours of flying distance from us.  

Saturday was pretty much all conference, and Sunday after conference we did some contacting and found some really good potential amis.

Pretty solid week, everything's super chill here in the Marquises, the word I have to use more than like anything is Moana, which means I'm full haha because they feed us so much.Anyways love you all, until next week!

Elder McQuiston

Me eating Lobster or something like that 

Me on my bike on our deck with my super funny helmet 

The best juice in the world, I'll never get tired of drinking that stuff 

Me drinking my juice in our house that is way too nice for us haha 

This is the planner I made for the next 6 weeks

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