Monday, November 21, 2016


Well Bonjour everyone, turns out we got permission to email from a members everyone thank sr. Ellis haha.  And I'm alive and well, I survived the crazy avion.

Alright well I'll start from the last Monday we had a family home everyone with this inactive sister that was quite the character.  She's about fifty years old, and is divorced with three kids.  I went into the evening thinking that we'd do a nice lesson, but turns out she talked straight for abhor after dinner, and then just cut herself off and said, alright it's about time for you to head home!  Super funny haha.

On Thursday, Elder Cardon of the seventy was in our mission and did a mission conference for 8 hours, and all of the elders in the islands were supposed to connect over the computer  Welp our computer definitely didn't work, and we sat at the church for like 3 hours trying to fix it to no avail.  Bummer!

Friday was the big day, we headed out for Ua Huka.  We are accompanied by Sr. Ellis our relief society president and Fr. Butcher our dumb, who are both super awesome.  After the hour car ride to the airport we got the first glimpse of the airplane, and it was the smallest thing I've ever seen!  There were only 18 seats and we were right next to the pilot, super sketchy haha.  It was a crazy plane ride, super bumpy but only like 20 minutes so no problem.  Ua Huka is super pretty, a part of me doesn't want to go back to Nuku Hiva haha there's a ton of potential here.

Saturday was the baptism of Marie.  It went super well, we had like 20 Amis there.  I gave the baptism talk and Sr. Ellis gave the Holy Ghost talk, and then we headed out into the ocean.  Turns out the ocean isn't deep, so they had to go super far out and we had to follow to witness.  I soaked like my only clothes I have here, but hey no worries who doesn't love salty pantalons. 

Yesterday we did a sacrament meeting, thinking hardly anyone would be there because there are only 4 members on the island.  To our surprise there were 23 people there, and everyone was super interested and payed close attention, it was the first time the gospel has really been on this island, and the first baptism here.

Super cool week so far!  I love you all, see ya next week!

Elder McQuiston

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