Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dogs and Rivers...

Well shoot I forgot my journal today...So I'm basically done for haha.  But hey c'est pas grave, who needs that anyways?

Hmm funny stories for this week...I'm not sure if I already mentioned this story, but a few weeks ago we were riding our bikes across this river we have to cross to get to the chapel, and my tires totally slipped out on the slimy bottom, and I fell straight in the river, got completely drenched.

Another one, I got bit by a dog this week.  We were just walking down the road and some dog was asleep in the middle of the road, and right as we past it jumped up and took a chunk outta my leg...It was so unexpected haha I just yelled ow so loud haha but hey no big deal...I'll probably end up eating that dog some day, no joke hahaha.

So it was conference week this week!  We had a couple people come from the district, someone from the mission presidency, and like 10 members from Ua Huka and Ua Pou.  I met Marie Christine for the first time on Wednesday in person, and she's top, no worries about her.  On Thursday we went with the leaders and visited all the inactive members, which went great they were super funny.  The conference that night went great, and we had 64 people there!  That's almost twice as much as we have on a good week, which was incredible.

So Thursday I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday...and it almost worked.  Until some random missionary called the wrong number, and before he said goodbye he asked Elder Isabell to tell me Happy Birthday...and then Elder Isabell told everyone and everyone freaked out haha.  During the conference they mentioned me two times, then right after they made me come up front and sang to me in Marquisien, French and English.  Then they brought out this huge cake... 

Well there's the week as far as I can remember...but no worries if I missed anything I'll just throw it in next week.  Love you all!

Elder McQuiston

Oh and ps our trip is finalized for the 18-25...and I have no idea what we'll do for p-day, so it'll just be a surprise I guess haha

Note from mom:  Here's a story he shared from my email- Cool story from this week is that one day we prayed to know where to go and to lead us to find people like usual, and then we went out and worked for like 4 hours.  And in those four hours we never found anyone that we could have a lesson with.  But there were a ton of "coincidences", and we ran into a ton of people we'd been looking for, and a few people that wanted to schedule a lesson with us.  It was definitely guided by the Holy Ghost, and although we might not always have a ton of "success", the Lord knows what needs to be done and he'll make it happen, if we are being obedient and doing our best.

A pic of us with Yolanda, a Sr. from Ua Huka 

My Birthday Cake 

My birthday party after conference 

A view from an amis house

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