Monday, November 14, 2016

Week...month 4 last week of it

Alright well last week started off pretty eventful...On Monday Elder Isabell quickly got wrecked by some illness and started feeling awful while we were at the church doing our emails.  We looked up the symptoms of Chikungunya, and his symptoms lined up almost exactly.  We called up a member that's a nurse, and she diagnosed him over the phone.  Chikungunya is really similar to Dengue fever, usually for a few weeks and is extremely painful.  Elder Isabell could barely walk it was really bad.  So we headed back to the apartment, and I called over a member to help me give him a blessing.  It was a really really cool experience.  E. Isabell asked me to do it, and in English.  The spirit was extremely strong, and after the blessing almost all of his pain went away, and his fever shot down (It was at like 102).  The next day he was almost completely healed, we were able to do all of our lessons and contacting as normal.

Also on Tuesday the boat came, and we finally got our stuff!  Finally some book of Mormons and some teaching materials...I also got my birthday package, which was AMAZING thanks everyone!  The maple syrup especially is killer haha we've been using that baby to it's fullest.

Wednesday was pretty interesting...We kinda had a little bit of an argument int he morning, and we forgot to pray before we left the house.  We had a couple lessons, and they were both super rough.  We didn't really have the spirit with us, and we were both felling pretty down.  We headed back to the house and had a really prayerful companionship study.  After that we headed back out and did a whoppin 10 lessons, all super good lessons with the spirit super strong.  Having the spirit with you makes all the difference.

On Saturday night we had  a fireside led by us, which went super well, we had a ton of the branch there.  Our goal was to unify the branch, so we mostly played a bunch of games.  We played the game where two people sit on either side of a sheet and you drop it and the first one to say the other persons name wins a point, as well as reverse charades.  They were both a huge hit, and we were pretty happy about it.

Well that's just about all for this week, sorry I don't have any pictures this week we forgot our card reader...And I'm guessing I won't be able to send much of an email next week, we'll see.

Love you all, talk to you in 2 weeks! (or next who knows)

Elder McQuiston

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