Monday, December 11, 2017

8 churus

Churu gin

This pday rolled around so quickly, it feels almost like it wasn't a full week since the last time I talked to you all...  There hasn't been a ton that went down since Wednesday, I'll just give you a few updates and stories.

The work actually picked up a lot this past week, we were able to find several really potential investigators!  One of them is named V.  He is the little brother of our elders quorum president, and is 18 years old.  We found him thanks to our fireside, and started the lessons with him.  He is super sincere and has such a big desire to do what is right.  He asked us some really good questions, and wants to get baptized.  He came to church yesterday and loved it, I really think that he's gonna get baptized.

We had a pretty fun day on Friday, Elder Omorodion's birthday.  We had our district meeting, and then went to the sister's house, because the grandma that they live with made us some food for his birthday.  We did a little split after that with the city elders, and then went to a fireside over on the other side of the island.  We ate there and then ended up having a sleepover with the other elders because it was too late to drive home.

I came up with a new motto for the rest of my mission, "Je ne crains personne", which means "I don't fear anyone".  I have decided that I am going to do everything possible to preach the gospel to as many people as I can, I'm gonna open my mouth and talk with everyone.  Kinda funny we were driving and I saw a white couple reading, so I pulled over and went to give them a book of mormon.  Apparently, French people aren't like Tahitians, because they gave us a cold greeting, packed up their bags and left on their scooter...a mission would be so hard in France hahaha.

A funny story that happened on Wednesday, we were at the city buying our groceries, when a drunk guy spotted us.  He started yelling out Jehovahs Witnesses!  You are Satan!  And followed us around everywhere we went.  I expected to get persecuted on my mission, but not by drunk people and for the wrong religion...we got a pretty good laugh out of that.

Je vous aime, churu maitai partout!

Elder McQuiston

 1.  A pic from the lunch at the sisters house
 2.  a pic from an activity with the young single adults

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