Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Zone Conference

la ora na famille ma!

At long last pday is here.  That totally threw off my schedule, I was like so tired yesterday and the day before...partly because we had to wake up a little early a couple of times, but who knew how just changing the pday can mess with you after a year and a half.  This past week went pretty smoothly, not a ton of news on the work front though.  We were able to find a few new investigators last week, the most part of which came from our fireside, so that's sweet!  Things are slowly getting better here. Besides that we had a ton of stuff we had to plan for this week, with a tour of the stake that we are going to be doing this next week, and a fireside in every ward.  We also had to plan for zone conference and stuff, so it's nice to have all of that over with.

On Saturday we did a reference harvest, which was a big success.  All of the ward council came to the chapel with the district.  We split into 8 teams, and went to all the member's homes.  We were able to get over 30 references, which was great.  Super funny story, me and Fr. Charles were talking to a family kinda far from the main road, and then started heading back to the road.  We were on a super skinny dirt road, and as we got closer to the exit we saw some people in reflective vests waving us forward.  As we got closer, it turns out that they were really waving us backwards.  We started backing up, and all of a sudden a huge pack of 50 or so runners rounded the corner in front of us, running towards the car.  We hurried in reverse, and I was forced to fly into the ditch on the side of the road...on the side of the road we cheered on all the runners and I made sure to invite them all to church hahaha.  Luckily the truck is 4 wheel drive and we got out of the ditch no problem.  Turns out there was a major race and the family we were talking to lives right in the path of the race...what luck!  Haha

On Sunday the fireside went awesome, we had a great turnout, and we were able to fix lessons with five investigators that came.  I had the easy part, I just had to do the introduction and conduct  I also sang two songs, one with all the missionaries and the other was in a trio.  They both went pretty well, I tried to sing quietly because know.  We all ate dinner at DMP's house after that, and had some good laughs.

Monday was the splits with the assistants, Elder Crandall from Spanish Fork and Elder Donadier form France.  We had some good laughs with the assistants, there was one guy that told u about how he was disappointed in Mary for putting Jesus in a basket on the Nile.  Also during a lesson it started pouring, and when we went to put our shoes on they were literally filled to the brim with water.  We also ate the most money meal, some freshly caught fried lagoon fish, with a creamy vanilla sauce made with real Raiatea vanilla,  mmmmm.

The conference went great yesterday as well, I was a little bit nervous driving President and his wife around, but they are so awesome, I love them!  My interview with President went great as well, all in all it was a really edifying day.

I love you all, and talk to you in not too long!

Elder McQuiston

Pics: Me and Katarina, the missionaries at Raiatea at our DMP's house, DMP is in the back standing up, the sunset yesterday and our zone at zone conference.

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