Monday, December 18, 2017

Night before Christmas

la Ora na homa!

Transfer calls were this week and...there aren't any changes, we're together again for the next 6 weeks.  That will make 6 months with Elder Omorodion, a fourth of my mission will be spent serving with him.  Luckily we have a good time together, and we work really well together as well.

We had a really cool week this week, we were able o see some really cool miracles take place.  The first miracle is our fireside that we did here at Vaiaau.  We did it last Monday night, and it was awesome, there were a lot of people that came, and several investigators.  The only problem was that we had some serious technical difficulties with the lack of a HDMI cable, as well as the fact that our DMP who was leading it and one of our speakers didn't show up.  We had some serious last-minute scrambling, but miraculously all went well and we had a really good smooth fireside.

On Tuesday, we did a split with the district leader at Tahaa, and Elder Madsen came to work in my sector with me.  We had a really difficult day, NO ONE was home.  But at the very end of the day, our last lesson was with Veihiarii.  And during that lesson, we fixed his baptism!  He is our champion, he is so sincere, and his parents support his baptism, which is a miracle because the only time we met them they yelled at us and kicked us off their property very rudely.  That's super cool, I'm so happy we are finally starting to see some fruits here.

We also had another miracle with Paul, the 9 year boy that we found a while ago.  He wanted to get baptized, but his parents wouldn't let him.  His dad is a returned missionary and was excommunicated.  We went over to their house and had a really inspired discussion with the father.  He was touched by the spirit and said that he changed his mind about Paul.  We're hoping and praying that everything will turn out right for his baptism. 

Saturday was a fun day, we had our ward Christmas party here at the chapel.  For Tahitians, ward Christmas party is code for maa Tahiti (Tahitian food, consisting of all the traditional food here, including a pig cooked in a pit as with a luau).  The whole ward including a lot of investigators and inactive members came to the church, and we all ate together and talked.  After the Christmas party we went to the airport to say goodbye to a sister that was finishing her mission, and then we went to a parade in the city and ate at the roulette.

That's the rundown of the week, I'll send the pics a little bit later.  I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

Pics: me cooking up some fish, our ward Christmas party, the going away for Soeur Turina, our zone t-shirts and random pics.

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