Monday, January 8, 2018


Hey fam!

Sorry, I don't have a ton of time this week because we are going on a hike, and then playing some beach volleyball.  We had a super cool week this week!  I'm so happy to see Paul and Vehiarii get baptized!  Vehiarii's testimony was so powerful, he really is so converted.  There were a ton of investigators that came, including his mom, and they were all so touched. 

I gotta throw in a funny story because it made me laugh for like an hour straight.  The other day we went to a store, and coming out of it there were two different gates in the fence that led to the parking lot.  My companion was ahead of me and he took one and I took the other.  I went to the car and turned around waiting for him, and he stopped and started looking around, then turned around and went back in.  A little confused, I turned around and followed him.  It turns out he had lost me and was panicking.  He wentbackk to the worker in the store and asked him, "have you seen my best friend?" in his panic hahahaha. I was standing right behind him, and the worker a little confused pointed to me standing right there.  He was so embarrassed hahaha good times!

I love you all, have a nice week!

Elder McQuiston

Pics from the Baptism:

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