Monday, January 15, 2018

Pineapple pie

Hellooo Everyone!

I had a great week out here in Raiatea, I hope that yours was the same!  I'd like to wish a birthday shoutout to Grandpa McQuiston, you've been a great example to me in my life, and all the memories that we have made together I will cherish forever!  Sorry for all the birthdays that I've missed haha, I haven't forgotten about you just the date haha!

This week went by super quick, we had a lot of weird stuff we had to do this week.  We had to get stuff from the boat, had a few stake meetings, had to take an Elder to the airport, and we were forced to sleepover at Uturoa twice.  One of those nights we did profit by having taco night, which was so good!  We nailed those tacos, you'd be proud mom :).

We had some cool things that happened this past week, one of which is about a couple name Bettina and Terii. They came to Vehiarii's baptism and were really touched.  They both really want to get baptized and have set a date for their marriage and baptism.  And have started coming to church.

Speaking of Vehiarii, we went on a split with him this week, and he shared a super cool message and testimony, he's doing awesome! 

We had a miracle happen this week, when we were trying to find some investigators with our dmp in the branch at Vaiaau.  We were kind of in the slums at Vaiaau, we don't really have any solid investigators at the moment.  While out searching, we prayed together and really asked God to help us find someone ready.  A few minutes later DMP told us we need to go see the C. family. He lead us there, and told us that it was his son's professor, and that he had never been there before.  We went and did a first contact with them, and the spirit was extremely strong and they accepted for us to come back.  It is a family of 4, and both of the parents are professors, which in a small branch where no one is educated and they all fish and farm for a living, that's a pretty big deal.  We went back, and the lesson went extremely well.  The dad said that he now believes God and he said a prayer for the first time in his life, and was visibly touched.  I know that God led us there, that it wasn't a coincidence and that they needed to hear this message at this time.  Pray for them!

I love you all, bonne semaine!
Elder McQuiston

Pics:  from the hike, and a pic from taco night.

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