Monday, January 29, 2018

Can't change doctrine

First of all I apologize for the short email last week, pday was super crazy.  The whole zone came over for pday, even the missionaries on the islands next to ours.  We had to take care of all the groceries and housing for ten missionaries here, as well as their emails and the activity.  It was super fun, but it's nice to have that over with.  We had a great week this week, although it was a little sad.  We had transfer calls this week, and Elder O. got transferred to Taravao, back at Tahiti, and he left this morning.  My new companion is Elder Firuu, a Tahitian from the island of Maupiti.  He is nearing the end of his mission, he has 2 transfers left, as with Elder O.  This will be the first time that I serve with a Tahitian missionary, I'm hoping that he will be able to help me improve my Tahitian skills.

Tuesday we had our zone conference here at Raiatea.  As usual President and Sister Fox flew down, as well as the assistants, and we picked them up from the airport.  We had a great zone conference, we focused a lot on improving our missionary skills.  President also talked a lot about obedience, and he gave us a list of a bunch of new mission rules.  I'm happy about it, more rules means more blessings!

Wednesday we had a great day at Vaiaau, the branch in our area.  We had a lot of lessons planned, and amazing enough, not a single one of them was cancelled!  I'd like to give an update on the S. family that we found the other week.  They are doing awesome!  We had another lesson with them, and both of them were in tears at the end.  They are keeping their commitments so far, and they are both progressing.  We are going to get our stake president involved as well in the fellow shipping effort because he works with them and lives really close to them.  

This week we had a really cool experience with the priesthood.  One of our investigators asked us to give their baby a blessing because she was sick.  I did the anointing and the baby was not having it.  She was crying super loud and it was super hard to hear what I said.  My companion started giving the blessing and it was even worse.  The baby was crying so loud and we could barely hear anything. But during the blessing my companion said, "may the spirit of peace and joy be with you". At that exact moment that my companion pronounced the word peace, the baby stopped crying and didn't make another sound for the whole rest of the blessing.  That was a really cool testimony builder for me, I know that the priesthood is the power of God, and that priesthood blessings can have an immediate effect according to our faith.  I also really felt God's love for children, I know that he loves each one of them so much.

I'd like to add my testimony that I know that the spirit guides us.  There are of course conditions, we must keep our baptismal covenants and stay worthy of his companionship.  I know that if we focus on the Savior and we seek diligently the inspiration of the spirit, he will guide us in all that we do.  I really focused on recognizing the spirit this week, and I was blessed to be guided towards families and people that needed to hear us, and the spirit made me more apt to teach with power and authority in our lessons.  I pray that we all may seek the spirit and his help in our daily lives, we cannot take that blessing for granted.  I love you all, and have a great week!

Elder McQuiston

some pics that my companion took while we were driving, and then the pics from the airport.

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