Monday, February 19, 2018

Fries til I dies


I had a great week this week, although we had a lot of things that kept us from the field.  but we did everything we could, and the Lord blessed us with success!

The first big issue we had this week happened Tuesday morning.  We realized in the pouring rain that water was leaking into our truck.  We had to head back to the house, and tape up the car.  And then we had to cancel some lessons that we had fixed and go to the city to get the car repaired.  They did a...thing I don't know how to say in English and told us to come back on Wednesday.  So Wednesday we took it back in and spent the majority of the day running errands with our ward clerk, delivering stuff to the other missionaries, fixing the phone, etc.  Good news is that we now have a functioning phone and a waterproof car!

Man I am sick of steak and fries, we had that like 4 days this week.  I miss American steak.  

We also did three training meetings this week with the ward council member for the dmps and the ward missionaries.  One of those was a Tahaa Saturday morning, so we left Friday afternoon on the boat for Tahaa.  I was able to go and see a lot of people that I knew over there, members, converts and investigators.  I was super cool.  I loved that area.  Saturday morning after the meeting I got to chat with Bishop and his wife while we waited for the boat, and we ate lunch with them.  I love Bishop Samoa so much hahah.  Man, that guy makes you laugh.

Our investigators are all doing great, we have 6 that are preparing for baptism.  Two of which are W. and T.  We have been having awesome lessons with them, they are both progressing great!  The spirit is especially strong in every lesson we have with them, and I know that the Lord reaslly needs them to accept the gospel.  The problem is that they are in a fairly weak branch, te large mafjority of the members are uneducated, umemployed, speak mostly Tahitian, and have a lot of family issues that they bring to church.  W. and T. on the other hand are very well off, educated, and understand about as much Tahitian as I do.  I really hope that all will work out in their integration and conversion process.

A cool story form this week happened during a lesson with V.  who is doing great by the way.  During the openign prayer it came to my mind to bless him sot hat he would do well on his driver's test.  It wasn't until after the prayer that I found out that he would be taking his driver's test the upcoming Monday.  I had no idea.  I know that if we pray sincerly and seek inspiration during our prayers, the Holy Spirit will help us pray for what we need, and I know that the Lord will accord it to us.

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

1-our broken phone
2-our taped up truck
3-looking for waterfalls
4-mobbing in the truck
5-quick peek at the boat that took us to Tahaa

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