Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

la ora na!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  I hope you all had a great week, I sure did!  On Saturday we had 2 baptisms, R. & R, a 9 and 10 year old girl in the Fareatai branch.  What an awesome experience!  There was a slight issue though, R. who is extremely shy, got really nervous after seeing everyone that was at the baptism, and started bawling and wouldn't get in the water.  We didn't really know what to do, but I had an impression to have everyone but the family and the witnesses step out of the room.  The branch president had it done, and after 5-10 minutes of waiting for her, she stopped crying and got baptized, and the spirit was so strong!

This week was full of broken things.  Our cell phone broke the other day, someone broke into the chapel and stole some things, and my hard drive broke last Monday.  That was kind of a bummer because I lost a lot of pictures and other things, but nothing I can do about that.

The work is going well in the area, we have some more baptisms fixed and we have found some new investigators.  We were forced to do some contacting this week.  We contacted one guy that just poked out his head and smiled and said, "It's good", and then went back in.  We were super close to following him and sitting down, and saying, "well it's good if we share a message, right?"  But decided that probably wasn't the best idea haha.  We also found a guy that is pretty potential that studies the bible a ton.  I totally used the story that President Nelson shared with us last conference and I quoted him like word for word.  He accepted a Book of Mormon and will come to church on Sunday so that's good news.

One funny story this week, the other day there was an alarm that went off in my dream, so I woke up and said my prayers.  I got out of bed and turned on the lights and opened the blinds, and noticed that it was pitch dark outside.  My companion was looking at me really confused having just gotten woke up.  I looked at the clock to realized it was 3am.  Whoops!

I love you all!  Have a nice week!

Elder McQuiston


1&2- someone broke into the chapel and stole the TV and juice, but left the computer.  Typical Tahitian

3-5-Pic's from the baptisms

6-Some waterfalls

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