Monday, February 5, 2018

defense wins championships

la ora na utuafare ma!

We had another great week out here!  Elder F. and I are putting in some good work.  It is super fun serving with a Tahitian, but definitely different.  They don't really understand sarcasm, but we find ways to have fun and laugh anyway.  He has a super easy time connecting with the people, hopefully, I'll be able to pick up on that.  It doesn't help as well that he has made a family connection with almost every single person we've talked to, he has a little unfair advantage.  I was feeling a lot more confident about my Tahitian before he got here, but he has shattered that haha.  We do a lot more lessons in Tahitian now, and man I get lost so easy it's like I'm back at the beginning of the mission.  At least I won't get bored!

The work is going great out here, we are actually seeing some big improvements.  We had an amazing week this week in terms of working with the ward leaders.  We had an incredible ward council meeting on missionary work, and the ward was able to put together a ward mission plan, which is the first time I've succeeded with that on my entire mission.    The branch is doing a lot better as well, we are making progress!  We have a few potential new investigators that we found recently and we should have two baptisms in March if all goes well.

We were also able to do a lot of service projects for the ward leaders this week, which really helped us to build up some trust with the members.  One morning we woke up and heard the weed wacker going, and we went outside to find 7 or 8 members in their 60's out cleaning up the yard of the chapel.  We helped them out for a couple hours, but man those papis are in shape!

I have a couple funny stories real quick for this week before I finish.  We have an investigator that is pretty far out there, and pretty difficult to teach because she doesn't want to accept anything that we teach.  But we kind of have to teach her anyway because her husband is a member and her daughter is really potential and going to get baptized soon.  In the lesson we had with her this week, we asked her to do the closing prayer for us.  After teaching her multiple times how to pray, she once again starts off her prayer by addressing the Holy Ghost.  But this time, during her prayer she started raising her voice little by little, and then all of a sudden she starts shouting and cites a verse in Psalms, and then closes her prayer.  It took everything I had not to bust a smile after that haha.

The other one is that we had to go and pick up the Uturoa Elders from a lesson because we had to drop off some stuff at the boat.  They gave us some directions on how to get there, but considering there aren't road names or addresses here, it can get kind of tricky.  We ended up taking the wrong road, and it got a little sketchy towards the end, but there wasn't anywhere that we could go but forward.  We ended up on this mountain in the small driveway of a fairly nice home, with dogs all around the car barking up a storm.  We spent a few minutes trying to turn the car around, while the family I'm sure was super confused.  Sorry guys!

There's the rundown for the week, I wish you all the best!

Je vous aime!
Elder McQuiston


1-Boat ride ont he way to Tahaa
2-Just a nice blurry pic of a faatamaaraa
3-Took a quick stop for a pic of the view
4-the truck that takes us to church on Sunday when we go to Vaiaau
5-my new companion at a faatamaaraa
6-the Protestant church

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