Saturday, August 13, 2016

1 month in already??

Man it does not feel like a month has gone by... It's so weird cuz like thinking about all the things that I did the month before I left compared to the month I've been here... This whole time I've been here I've done the exact same things every single day hahaha but the time moves by sooo fast.

Well so here's a super cool story...Last day while I was playing soccer I hurt my foot super bad...I could barely even move it, and I thought it was broken for sure.  By the time I got back to the residence my foot was swelled up so big it could barely fit in my shoe, and I was super bummed out because I did not want to have to deal with that, especially with my classroom being on the fifth floor.  I decided I'd sleep on it to see how it was in the morning, but when I woke up it was even worse than it was last night, it was hurting so bad.  I decided I'd just say a prayer before exercise time.  When I got to exercise time I tried to play volleyball, but I could hardly even move so I just stood in like the same spot the whole time.  But it started hurting less and less, and by the time exercise time was over, my foot was completely back to normal and didn't hurt at all.  I have such a strong testimony that God answers our prayers, and with faith we can do miracles.

On Sunday President Holland came for a devotional...not Elder Holland in the quorum, but his son.  He's the president of UVU, and is a super good speaker, almost as good as his father.  He spoke on Joseph Smith and the restoration, and it was a super good talk, the spirit was so strong.  And then after he was done we watched Ephraim's Rescue, which was actually pretty weird watching not gonna lie because we never watch movies, but it's a super good pioneer story and it was tres chouette.

We had a skype TRC (trc is a lesson with a member that is native or fluent in French), and it was someone from Paris.  It was a super good lesson, and I was surprised by how well we could understand her and she could understand us.  The gift of tongues is really haha

Elder Anderson came on Tuesday for the devotional.  Two super good speakers in a row!  We are so blessed here haha.  He gave a great talk about missionary work, and the biggest thing that stood out to me was the advice "Be clean, Be obedient, and Be busy."  The first two are relatively easy, the rules are plain and simple.  But being busy comes down to us.  We are here on the Lord's time, not on our own.  Every minute needs to be spend doing something that will help build Zion and bring people to Christ, and when we do that we are blessed.

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston
Most of my zone at our nightly singing 

 My tags, French and Tahitian

With some of my friends at the MTC

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