Monday, August 1, 2016


Hey everyone!

Well somehow we're already the zone leaders here...Don't know how that happened haha.  Probably everybody else said no first ro something.  But yah looks like whatever French I already knew is all I'm learning because we have to do a bunch of other stuff haha...oh well tho.

The MTC is awesome, especially after you get in the flow of things.  After like a week or so the schedule is almost the same everyday, and you can just pound out the studying without having  to worry about too much. And also I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention that last week Elder Bednar made a surprise visit after the devotional on Sunday, and did a Q and A about the character of Christ.  It was super super cool, and I was like on the fifth row, so close to him haha.  If you've seen like pictures of him or anything that's pretty much what he looks like if you were wondering...

Yah well like 30 of the 70 missionaries in our zone are leaving on Monday, including the other Tahitian it's gonna be sad to see them go.  I've gotten to know them pretty good, they'll be awesome missionaries.  And then on Wednesday we're getting another like 30 more, and we have to do like an orientation and welcome them and problem haha.

Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Elder McQuiston

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