Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bonjour tout le monde

Welp today is officially our last day of French...I do not feel like my French is good enough to go out in the field haha...It's weird to think that all the other French missionaries would be leaving right about now.  I'm not gonna lie I'm super pumped to learn Tahitian, it sounds super sick, but I'm way nervous at the same time.  It's nothing like English, and it sounds like it's pretty much pure vowels when you listen to it.  But apparently it's way easier than French when it comes to grammar and stuff like that, so we'll see.

We had our last day with Soeur Waldron on Saturday, which is kind of a bummer because she was really really good at French, but she went to Lyon for her mission so she wouldn't be able to help us out with Tahitian haha.  So Soeur Erekson is our new teacher, and kinda funny she also got taught by Soeur Cook (our other teacher) when she was in the MTC.  But she has way too much energy haha and she acts so Tahitian and uses a ton of it in her French.

Sunda was pretty normal for the most part... We made a goal during district meeting to only speak French the past four days, and it didn't go too bad... The first 3 days we pretty much did it but lost it a little bit yesterday...It's kinda sad that a few of the elders and sisters in our district don't really try too much, and they're really struggling, they haven't really improved the whole time we've been here.  But for the most part our district is doing great, and so is our zone.  We also watched 17 miracles, and it was a nice change of pace, but that one is so sad compared to Ephraim's Rescue for sure.

It's so hard for me to sleep so much here haha.   I always have a hard time falling asleep and I always wake up like an hour or so early...I wonder if my sleep habits will ever change haha we'll see.  We had a devotional on Tuesday by Sister Oscarson, and it was a pretty good dev.  She spoke on Elder Christofferson's talk on the current bush, a super good message that the Lord will bring us to our lowest so that we can become the people that we have the potential to be.  He knows the end result, and he knows how to get us there, we just have to trust him.  

The new Tahitian Elders came yesterday!  There is only four of them, kind of a big difference between that and our district of 12 haha but they're great, and it's fun to have some more missionaries going to the same place.  The French teacher that is in charge asked me and Elder Bradshaw to be like the example missionaries for a meeting that all the new missionaries went to on Wednesday...And there were like 536 or something like that haha.  We were super nervous, but it went pretty good and the spirit was super strong.

Hahaha so funny thing that happened yesterday...Our class was asking Sr. Cook a bunch of questions par rapport a Tahiti and stuff, like how often we have dinners with the members and stuff like that.  Elder Bradshaw raised his hand and started a question, then paused for a sec like he was thinking of a word or something, and asked Sr. Cook if everyone in Tahiti ate with their feet hahaha apparently he mixed the word fingers with feet haha pretty funny we were all dying.

Well, nothing else that I can really think of...So cya next week!

Avec beaucoup de l'amour, 

Elder McQuiston

My district with Sister Waldron (one of our teachers)

Me with Elder Ugbah in my district and Elder Tatauru form Tahiti

 Me and Elder Yerke

 My district with the other french district that came the same day

Me and Elder McKay

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