Friday, August 5, 2016

Salut famille!

Happy Birthday Mom and Ty!  You're gonna be driving next week Ty haha that's crazy!  Don't total Lefty still tu plait, I've made too many good memories in there hah. Je blag you'll be fine.

Well life here as a zone leader is definitely a lot more crazy!  It's super weird having a phone on me all day, even tho it can only call the front desk haha.  We have to run around all over the place to tell all the missionaries stuff and have them call the front desk when needed and stuff.  We have to make the agenda for sacrament meeting and the assignments for priesthood each Sunday for our zone, which is like almost 70 people.  We also have to interview all of the district leaders every week, and give them counsel as needed.  There's also some other little stuff we have to do, but pretty much what sums up zone leader is a ton more responsibility, and absolutely no power hahaha.  But the craziest thing for sure was on Wednesday when we had to do an hour and a half orientation and tour for the 30 new missionaries in our zone, that was super crazy and important, hopefully we did a good job haha.

Yah that's super sad about Conner, keep him in your prayers and let me know how he's doing if you find anything out.  It was hard saying goodbye to the 46 missionaries this week, they've all been great examples and it felt so empty here without them until Wednesday.  Hopefully we can get to know all the new missionaries as well as the old ones, and hopefully we can still take them in soccer. (Tahiti DC never loses hahaha)

Hosting was super sweet on Wednesday, I got to host an elder from England that's going to Paris and is in our zone, and he's super chill and like 2 years older than me haha.  But after that I waited pretty much the whole rest of the time to see if I could get any of my friends, and at the very end of the time I was lucky enough to get Elder Skonnard, which was super cool and I'm sure it was comforting for his parents haha.

The French is coming along awesome, at least for me and a few more elders.  You can tell how the gift of tongues works according to faith and diligence for sure.  Besides me and Elder Bradshaw there's only a few more elders in our zone that will PVL (parlor vote langue), and will study their hardest during the study times, and there's quite a difference in our French verses theirs.  But hopefully they figure it out, or it'll be a hard couple years haha.

Love you all!
Elder McQuiston

 Just a buch of "nerdy" Elders


 My new glasses and Elder Bradshaw

My comp's an artist

Elder McQuiston and Elder Skonnard

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