Monday, October 10, 2016


The Marquesan is coming, slowly but surely.  Our ami with a baptism date Karen is  still progressing, and we're picking up the work here and getting a lot more amis.  

On Tuesday we did a lot of contacting without a ton of success, and had some lessons as well with our progressing investigators.  We also came to the branch presidency meeting, and we found out that we need our church attendance to be around 80 if we want a real chapel, and it's around 35-40 right now, so we have a lot of work to do for sure, and that's the goal of like all the members here, to get a real chapel.

On Wednesday we had a similar day, just taught a ton of lessons, and we taught english in Taipivai, which we do every Wednesday.  On Thursday we had a bunch of lessons again, but we needed a ride to take us to one of our investigators that lives pretty far away, and nobody could.  We decided to call our inactive dumb (diligent de mission de branche (branch mission leader)), and he got super excited and gave us a ride.  We went over to his house yesterday to talk about him being the dmb, and he got super excited and told us all these stories about when he used to be active as a dumb, and decided he wants to be active again and help us out.  He said he'll give us a whole day every week and drive us to Hatiheu or Aakapa every week, which is super dope we're way excited!

Mais sinon jeudi et vendredi were pretty normal as well, more lessons, contacting, stuff like that.  Except for Friday night, we had a pizza night with a nonmember family, and they taught us how to make pizza, which was way fun.

Saturday we spent most of the day in Taipivai, did some contacting and filled up our water.  We met this inactive member named rocky, and asked him if there was anything we could do for him, and he thought for a second and told us he wants us to teach him and his nonmember family the lessons, and that his brother was a bishop at Moorea.  We're super excited to head back over there and hopefully ca va bien passer.  We also gave Karen a blessing on our return, because she's heading to Tahiti for a little bit for medical reasons, which was a super cool experience.

On Sunday we only had 20 people at church!  Which was understandable because we had 4 families out of town, but still we should've had more than that.  La sainte scene is definitely our area of focus this week.  After church we went to an inactive member Jeff's house for his birthday party, and there were a ton of nonmembers there.  The food was like this grilled chicken and beef, and it was AMAZING, like one of the best meals I've ever had, so good.  We also played werewolf in French with them, which was way fun as well.

Well that's pretty much all for this week, I love you all and talk to you next week!

Elder McQuiston

The Quay of Taiohae bay 

The Petite Quay 

Some wild Horses 

The ceremonial thing in Taipivai where they did their cannibal stuff

Me with my bike as we headed down the mountain into Taiohae 
at an amazing viewpoint ofTaiohae 

A pic of the mountain with Elder Isabell in it haha 

The Taipivai Catholic church 

 The Tapivai Beach

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