Monday, October 17, 2016

Raw turtle and centipede's

How's it going everybody?  Everything's still going great here in Nuku Hiva!  We are pretty upset at the assistants tho, they didn't send us any of our stuff on the boat apparently, which means we have to wait like another month to get any of our stuff.. Mais c'est pas grave, we can make our last 3 book of mormons last a month, I guess. haha

On Tuesday we came to the bishopric meeting again, and it was so frustrating haha.  Everyone knows what the problems are and stuff, but no one wants to take the initiative to do like anything haha.  But there's not much we can do about that.  When it comes down to it we can do everything we can, but everyone has their agency, which is the story of the mission.  That night we had a super super good dinner with on of our investigators.  She made us like this three course meal with AMAZING poisson cru, sooo good.  Raw fish might sound gross, but this stuff is so good, even dad would love it.  You'll see when we come back to visit after my mission haha I'll get all of you eating fish.

We had a formation on Saturday that we made on missionary work, because there are a lot of members that want to help, but they don't know how.  So for Friday  we didn't plan any lessons, so we could go around to all the members, active and inactive an get them to our formation.  And it worked! We had a ton of people at the formation, people that we haven't ever seen at church before.  And it went really really well, all the members loved it and they were getting so into it haha.

Saturday morning we were in Taipivai and Hoomi.  And I was so dead haha, Elder Isabell got us three lunches.  I could not eat anything, I was about to explode.  But our third meal was definitely turtle, which actually wasn't too bad.  But it's interdit (not allowed) we found out after the fact, so we probably won't be eating too much of that I'm guessing.  It was pretty gross tho looking at my plate and seeing raw turtle flesh and bones haha.  Anyways.

Yesterday church went great and we had some great lessons and food.  But at our dinner appointment, on of the ladies yelled lift up your feet!  I raised mine up and looked down, and a huge centipede flew under my feet.  Super lucky, because centipedes are like the only dangerous thing here, and they are massive and bite everything.  It's probably inevitable that I'll get bit at some point, because everywhere is super open and we always take our shoes off everywhere, and sleep with our doors open  But anyways no problem!

Until next week!

Elder McQuiston

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