Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Kaoha tout le monde! Super good news this week, we finally fixed the baptism of Marie, our ami at Ua Huka! We set it for 19 Nov, and we got the approval of Pres. Bize to go over there for a week, to do the baptism, confirmation, a family night, a saint scene, and some contacting, which I'm super super excited about.  We will probably take a boat over there on the 16ish, and come back on the 2ish.  So my day will probably be messed up there, Idk for sure when it'll be.  Sadly we're going to have to push back Karen's baptism date, we're really hoping we can get it fixed and get here ready.

Wednesday was the day we finally set Marie's date.  We had a lesson with her over Skype, and it turns out she's been reading the book of mormon like crazy, and is already through Alma!  She has no problems with the word of wisdom or law of chastity, which is awesome.

On Saturday we finally got the chance to go to Aakapa, with Coco and Chantal finally getting back.  It was super super cool, a 2 hour drive.  Besides Taiohae and Taipivai, there are only two other valleys that are really inhabited, and that was my first time seeing them.  We have a really cool family over there that are members, and they hooked us up fatty with a bunch of coconut water, which is super good, they call it l'eau de vie, the water of life haha.

Besides that not too much news, other than the fact that we have district conference this week, and there'll probably be some big changes in the branch.  We have 12 members coming for the conference from Ua Pou and Ua Huka, and we're excited to meet all of them, and hopefully plan a trip to Ua Pou for the beginning of December or something.

Thanks for all the emails and prayers, I love you all, have fun trick or treating!

Elder McQuiston

A huge moth thing that was attacking me 

Pictures from our trip to Aakapa 

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