Monday, December 12, 2016

Beloved loved ones in a far far away land

Bonjour tout le monde!

We had a dope week this semaine, fixed two baptismal dates and almost died on some hike that turns out wasn't a hike and we found ourselves lost in some thick plants that were like head height way in the mountains this morning.

Alright d'abord Tuesday...actually I changed my mind I don't want to do a day by day.  Well sometime during the week we found two of our ancient amis and had a super good lesson with them both.  We talked about their goals, and then talked about what we can do and what they need to do to accomplish those goals, and they both recommitted themselves to keep their commitments and read the book of mormon.

We also did like 10 lessons over Skype this week with our amis on the other island, and we fixed the baptismal date for one of them!  So we're in the process of planning our next trip over there, which we hope will be the 3rd to the 10th of January.

Our other baptismal date was with the older brother of Kua, our recent convert.  He's 16, and was super touched by his sisters baptism.  When we had our first lesson with him, we found out that he had already fixed his baptism date for the 24th, which is tp we didn't have to do like anything, merci Seigneur.

We also did a split with our recently activated member Fr. Ah-Scha at Hooumi, a little valley like 45 minutes away by car.  It went super well, he used to be a ward mission leader a t Tahiti, and knew what he was doing.  He kept going off in Marquisien, and got all the amis we saw to promise they'd read the book or mormon and pray about it.

On Wednesday we found a new investigator names Steven, the nephew of one of the  members, who has 19 years.  He is way cool and our lesson went super well, and he said he already knows that it's true.  But that's just a side note.  The real story is he made us take a bunch of peppers off of their pepper plant.  When we got home I decided to pop one in my mouth, and turns out it's extremely hot and it destroyed my mouth, esophagus, and eventually my stomach.  45 minutes later I was still sweating and in burning pain laying on the tile.  I decided I'm gonna try and build a tolerance for them, eat one every week until they don't effect me anymore.

Sunday I played the piano and got wrecked, Sweet of prayer was my only saving grace.  But all the members were like astonished because nobody plays the piano on like the whole island, and there's like hardly anyone that knows how to read music either.  So yah they're making play every week from now on.

D'accord bon semaine tout le monde, je vous aime!

Elder McQuiston

Pictures:  The first one is probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen, we saw a horse on some shortcut we were on, and it was wearing a flip flop hahaha.  And then some pictures from our hike this morning, and a rock.

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