Monday, December 19, 2016

week: weird Marquisien relationships

Kaoha mes chères amis et ma famille bien-aime haha.

Merry Christmas everyone!  This week was my busiest week on the mission by far... We have a ton of investigators and teach them all like 3 times a week, and they're all progressing fairly quickly for the most part.

Hmm k Tuesday I finally finished the huge French study book they gave us at the MTC, so I've moved on to start studying Marquisien and Tahitian.  We had some solid lessons as well, and met a guy that is the brother of one of our members.  He is all wrapped up and in tons of pain, because  he was climbing some coconut tree and then the bottom of the tree caught on fire, and he caught on fire before jumping off and breaking his wrist and some ribs....Super sad.

Wednesday we couldn't find a ride over to Hooumi, so we had someone take us and our bikes up to the top of the mountain in between Taiohae and Hooumi.  It was a super fun ride down, we were flying...Probably not the safest thing but what can you do.  After our split at Hooumi with a newly reactivated member we headed back chez nous to the chapel.  We had a lesson with Carla, a 16 year old investigator at Ua Huka over Skype.  She's super cool, and had a super cool experience.  She prayed to find out if the Book of Mormon is true, and felt the spirit super strong, even brought her to tears.  She wants to be baptized, the only problem is that she's living with 16 years old!! That's the first weird relationship.

The other day...Friday I think we were playing soccer in the backyard with a member, just juggling and such.  Then his mom came out and we started chatting with her... which is when we found out the second weird relationship.  When she was 17 her husband had a kid with someone "very close to her", and then he left that person and got married to her.  Then she told us who the first person was...her sister!  What in the world...and turns out her sister is one of our investigators!  The relationships here are so messed up...and the kid is now 16 and is pregnant living with someone who is 21.  Weird stuff.

Well normally we have a baptism this weekend, but he's not sure if he wants to make the decision to follow the parole de sages, so we're hoping all goes well and he'll get baptized Saturday.  But we'll see.  That's pretty much all for this week...I love you all, until next week!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  A pic of me from a viewpoint on the way down to Hooumi, I love my helmet...Also if you look really close you can see some houses in the background...yep that's Hooumi.  And you can actually see the house we went to, if I was there I'd probably show you which one,  Hmm what was the third one... A pic of Taiohae I'm guessing?  The fourth was us with one of our dope Marquisien friends.

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