Thursday, December 8, 2016

Watch out, I gotta deadly weapon!

Alright first of all thanks so much for the Christmas packageQ  That was a super nice surprise on Tuesday, and yep I couldn't wait for Christmas so I opened it a month in advance haha.  Thanks so much for the cards from everyone, and thanks mom and Emerie for the gifts, you guys are the best.  We got the news that me and Elder Isabell will be staying here for the next transfer at least, so I'll be here at Nuku Hiva for Christmas.

This week we put our new plan of really focusing on the members into action, with lots of success!  Already we have a few really solid investigators, and we had a baptism on Saturday!  We also reactivated a few members, and we've started to work with other members.

The baptism was super top, Kua is awesome and I'm impressed with her strength, in a town where she is one of the only members, at 14 years old.  She was confirmed on Sunday by Elder Isabell.  We found out 5 minutes before primary that we were going to be teaching it, which was a big surprise.  The kids are insane, and man do I feel for the primary teachers, I was fearing for my life at the end of church.  After church we had another lesson with Kua, and while we were there our DMB found his pain keyboard and gave it to us, so looks like I'm the new ward pianist, and I'm going to be practicing a ton at the house this week.

Today we had a super crazy day, which is why I don't have a ton of time, sorry everyone.  But I did find a super dope cassette, which I had to buy.  I'll send the pics.  We also gave a benediction to Roland, a man here that is paralyzed from a  car accident, who has a ton of faith and wants to be healed.  We gave him a blessing, which was a super cool experience, and the spirit was super strong.  By the end of the blessing, he began to be abel to move both of his eyes and see close up, and his mouth was working a lot better.   I know that the priesthood is the power of God, and that by our faith we can accomplish miracles.

I love you all, talk to you next week!

Elder McQuiston

This is the cassette I bought (bread-head), probably the dopest thing I've ever seen, and a huge part of the culture here, they were the weapons of the natives.  I had to buy it because it was the best priced cassette I've seen, and it was a pap I know who made it....Anyways yah watch out I got a deadly weapon 

 Pictures from the baptism
 A bellevedaire
Me with some water behind me

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