Monday, December 26, 2016

Joyeus Noel!

Merry Christmas everyone!  It was super fun to see all of you, and I'm so glad that everyone's doing great!  It was nice seeing a little bit of Christmas spirit haha cuz there's like none here.  And dad, don't worry the pinapo is on it's way.

Dylan's baptism was on Saturday, which was super cool.  He was confirmed yesterday, as well as ordained to the office of priest.  He's awesome, and it's really cool to see someone come into the fold.  Two more investigators fixed their baptismal dates this week, which was dope, if you're obedient blessings come.

We did a little bit of a secret santa that I told you all about yesterday, which was also really cool.  The smiles that lit up the people's faces made me so happy.  The people here don't have a lot, and they didn't have any other Christmas gifts for their kids.  Giving is what Christmas is all about, and it was really fun to spread some happiness.

We tried the hike again this morning, but this time we brought our guide, to make sure we didn't get lost.  His name is Teahi, a super funny 11 year old.  He talked nonstop the entire hike haha funny kid.  It was a sweet hike, and the view at the top was way pretty.

I don't have too much else to say this week, so happy new year!

Elder McQuiston

Pictures:  Dylan's baptism, with our branch president, and branch mission leader
some pictures with the kids we gave present to
Some pics from the hike

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