Monday, January 16, 2017

Semaine de transferts...Nana Elder Isabell

Well this week we got the news that Elder Isabell is being transferred to Faaa, he's gong to be the new zone leader there.  This week was an enormous transfer, they balanced out the elders and sisters in all of the zones, which means that like a third of the areas were whitewashed.  And at least half of the zone leaders were transferred as well.  My new companion is Elder Boyd, he was the zone leader of Arue at Tahiti.  He started his mission at the same time as Elder Isabell, and is from Highland Utah I believe.  The transfer is tomorrow, so early tomorrow morning we'll head over to the airport, to send off Elder Isabell and pick up Elder Boyd.  It'll be super weird changing things up around here, but I'm excited for the things that I'll learn from my new companion.

This week was a little bit slow because Elder Isabell was still sick the beginning of the week, and the last couple days we went and said bye to everyone and took pictures with them, but we had a decent week despite all that.

Wednesday:  We did a lot of planning, and tried to fix some lessons for the next few days.  We also had a lesson with Karen, which was super annoying... She straight up said she knows the story of Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon are true, but she says our church is "just another church"...

Thursday: Nothing really noteworthy...besides a little lesson we learned hahaha.  So we were a the chapel, which as you're leaving there's a little corner and then a little hill.  We were a little late for our dinner appointment, and we were getting ready to leave.  I was putting on my helmet, meanwhile Elder Isabell was already ready.  He said, "we're late we gotta go!"  And head doff before I was ready.  I hopped on my bike and headed after him, and when I rounded the corner he was laying on the ground...hahaha  pretty funny i rode up and asked him if he was tired or something...luckily he didn't get hurt or anything.  But lesson learned, don't leave before your companion haha.

Friday:  We fixed Melodie's baptismal date...She's also at Ua Huka, and so we will just baptize her whenever we finally plan the trip for, as well as all of our other investigators who have their baptisms fixed at Ua Huka.  As of right now, there are five over there.  I'm a little scared that the trip won't be until after I get transferred...But I guess what happens happens, and at least they'll be baptized anyways, which is what is important.

Saturday and Sunday were our goodbye days, we went around and saw all of our friends here at Nuku Hiva.  We had 40 people at church on Sunday, which was awesome, especially  because they were almost all members.  The branch is really starting to pick up, a lot of people have become worthy enough to get callings, and we have a lot of inactive members that are coming to church every week now.  But there is definitely still more work to be done.

That's if for this week!  Thanks for all your prayers!  I love you all, et simon, until next week.

Elder McQuiston
Pics:  The family Butcher, us with the boys, the family Ah Scha and the family Ellis

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