Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bamboo fishing...

Bonjour tout le monde, 

Sorry I'm so late today, we went fishing this morning and it took pretty much the whole day.  It was super fun and we caught a ton of fish, even though they were all tiny.  Which was probably cuz we were fishing with a bamboo stick and a string just as long.

So first of all my new mission president got called, and this is the information President Bize sent us about him:  To avoid the rumors of Radio Cocotree and for your information, the new mission president who will come in July has been called.  They are Steven R. Fox and his wife Debra L. Fox.  They live in Provo, Utah.  Steve R. Fox teaches at BYU and has been Director of the Entrepreneurship and Technology program for two years.  Previously, he spent 18 years with Microsoft in Seattle.  President Fox served a full-time mission in the French mission of Paris from 1979 to 1981.  He has a license from BYU and an MBA from Harvard.  They have 5 adult children.

And just so you all know we're headed out on Thursday for Ua Huka on boat.  We have had a ton of struggles planning this trip, but we're hoping that everything is good and we'll make it there and back haha.

Funny story of the week...so last week I told you a little bit about Teahi, the 11 year old member that is super cool, one of my amis here.  He's a little out of shape as I think I mentioned.  On our way back from the hike we were on bike, and just as we got to the top of this hill we look back and to our surprise Teahi was still at the bottom, walking his bike up.  We rode back down and when we got down to him, he told us, panting, "when I am a missionary, it's by foot for me." Hahaha guess we worked him a little bit.

We had some trials this week.  The first one I kinda mentioned, planning for our trip.  It's been super rough, we've had multiple 15 minute phone calls and having to go visit people making sure everything will go well, and people lying to us blatantly...Super unnecessary and frustrating that we have to do all that.  We also had a problem with skype, we had to cancel all of our lessons over skype Tuesday and Wednesday because a member of the branch presidency said he had important branch business to do.  come to find out we forgot something at the church, and when we showed up he was playing video games on the computer...

Also this is kind of a trial but morso just funny.  One of us locked the bathroom door, but never shut it.  And then later in the day, the wind blew it closed, locking it.  We tried carding/breaking into our bathroom unsuccessfully for like half an hour, and man I needed to go.  We ended up having to call our land owner to come bring us the keys and let me out of my misery haha.

On the brighter side, we fixed a baptismal date of an investigator names Steven this week, for the 18th of Fevrier.  He's super cool, is 19, and wants to be baptized before he heads out to join the army.

We also had a branch party this week, for kind of a Christmas/New Years mix.  It went super good, we ended up having more investigators there than members.  We played a lot of games, and ate super well like always.

Well I think that about sums up this week...Hopefully I get the chance to email next week, it might end up being Tuesday instead, we'll see.  Love you all!

Elder McQuiston

Pic:  There's some of the branch party, some of fishing and also a pic of my way hot keen tanned feet

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