Monday, January 23, 2017

Kaoha les gars!

Kaoha les gars!  Sooo yep companion number two!  His name is Elder Boyd, he went to Lone Peak High school, lived in Alpine, and have been on mission for 17 months.  He plays baseball and likes downhill mountain biking.   He's served at Bora Bora and as a ZL at Arue at Tahiti.  He's a super good missionary and has a way good Tahitian accent and speaks French really well...There's a lot I'll be able to learn from him.

Tuesday morning we headed up early with President Chu to the airport.  Elder Boyd and Elder Ugbah arrived at like 1030 (Elder Ugbah got transferred to Hiva Oa), and then Elder Isabell got on the plane with Elder Ugbah and they left like 30 minutes later.

Elder Boyd definitely has a different style of doing things.  We're super super busy all the time, which  is great.  But gosh dang it he makes me run every morning...I hate running so much hahaha.  But I do feel way good after...and that'll help me from getting too fat haha.

I don't have a ton of stories or new this week...we are just teaching tons of lessons, and seeing a lot of progression.  But we were asked by president to find out how to explode the Marquises, so we're doing our best to find out the best way to do that.

Thanks for all the prayers and support!
Elder McQuiston

Pic's: Us with Kaha and Lisette before elder Isabell left...and then pics with Elder Boyd

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