Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ua Huka part 2nd trip

Bonjour la famille!  Sorry I'm a day late, but we got permission to move our day back a day because we didn't get back from Ua Huka until this morning.

So first things first, my neck got absolutely destroyed when we went fishing last week, and it erupted the next day into blisters, which was way painful.  I got permission from Sr. Bize to leave my top button undone for a few days, because  if not I'm pretty sure I woulda lost all the skin on my neck.  We had to go on a hunt for some special lotion that is supposed to help it on Wednesday, and finally found it at some little pharmacy.  Not super fun...so message of the story is, wear your sunscreen when going fishing haha.

Side not on Tuesday we also had a lesson with a JW, and he kept ranting off about stuff during the whole lesson...so we ended up just having to kind of throw the lesson and bear our testimonies and leave.  And then during the middle of Elder Isabell's testimony the JW cut him off and starting going off about Atlantis, so we just said screw it and got out of there haha.   I wonder where that comes from.

Thursday morning we set out super early for Ua Huka.  The boat left at 5:30 in the morning, because supposedly the ocean is calmer in the morning.  Au contraire.  The ocean was crazy and the waves were huge and we were in this tiny fishing boat...it was so dope.  The boat ride was about 2 and a half hours, we got there around 8ish.

It turns out that there was a ton of opposition at Ua Huka.  The Catholic priest got way scared because of the baptism that we did the last trip, and dedicated a mass to bashing our church.  He told the people a ton of lies, for example that we pay people to get baptized and stuff like that, to try and scare people away from talking to us.  All of the active Catholic's believed hi, and tried their best to make it difficult on us.  All the inactive Catholics were curious why they did that, and basically flocked to us, we were like celebrities there, everyone talked to us and we did a ton of lessons, and even fixed a few more baptisms, which was incredible.  Those people literally know nothing other than the Catholic religion, which is super corrupt over there.  We tried to talk to one of the deacons, but he wouldn't talk with us because he was too scared that he "couldn't answer our questions, because he doesn't know the bible well enough".

Church went super well as well.  We had almost 40 people there, on an island with only 4 members.  We had our district leader there with us, as well as one of the branch presidency members, and they were in charge of the meeting luckily haha.  They gave callings to all of the sisters, and did some baby blessings as well.  We did a fast and testimony meeting, and the spirit was super strong, the people were really touched.

Well there's a lot more that happened this week, but frankly I'm done writing so I'll just leave it that.  Until next week

Elder McQuiston

Pic's of the baptism in Ua Huka and the boat ride over.

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