Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kaoha tatou, my last time saying kaoha

Haha my last time saying kasha...from now on its gonna be la ora na haha weird...its gonna be super different.  Today marks the 1/3 mark for my mission, which is super super weird, it does not seem like I've been out that long.  And after 1/3 of my mission I've only had 1 area, kinda crazy. I'm basically a marquisien by now.

So this week was super crazy, tons of stuff went down.  And it was awesome spending a few days with president and his wife, they're super cool and he's a great leader.  The conference was awesome, and I learned a ton.

So Tuesday we almost got stranded at Ua Huka, because there was this huge storm.  But the tiny plane eventually ended up making it, just super delayed.  We had like a 10 minute layover at Ua Pou, which was way sketchy the runway is right next to the ocean and super small haha.  When we finally arrived we came to the chapel and had a meeting with President Bize and Elder Sinjoux of the 70 and the four sisters from Ua Huka about sending missionaries to Ua Huka.  And we finally convinced him!!  He promised to send missionaries there next transfer.  Too bad it won't be me, but at least there will be some there which was on of my big goals here.  Elder Sinjoux did a fireside that night, which was great.

Wednesday and Thursday we spent the majority of the day with president and his wife.  We talked a lot about our sector, and went and saw some inactive and investigators.  And then that night conference started at 4, and didn't get over until 8:30 haha super long.  But it was way good and I learned a lot, and it really motivated the branch too.  I miss good leaders haha...Thursday morning we stayed with president at the church, and we had an interview with him.  He got me super pumped about my new area, supposedly they were one of the best areas last year.  And then Thursday night was super cool, they finally changed the branch presidency haha.  But right before the conference started, all the men (us included) got up and did this marquise dance called the danse de cocoon, or the pig dance haha it was super funny, I really got  my marquisien on.

And then Friday and Saturday I spent the day packing and saying goodbye to everyone.  And then Sunday the elders from Hiva Oa came, and we spent the night with them, super fun haha way weird being with other missionaries.  In about an hour I leave for the airport, and then I land at around 3-4 at Tahiti, and hopefully there will be someone there to pick us up haha.

That's pretty much all of this week, goodbye Nuku Hiva!  Talk to you next week from Tahiti!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:The first two are us with a casse-cou, the third is just a pretty pic form Ua Huka the 4th is us with DMB and his wife, as well as Sr. Ellis and the fifth is the Ua Huka sisters, and the last one is us mid haka

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