Monday, March 6, 2017

March brings showers...storms, April? idk whatever that saying is, but it rained

Sooo sadly no baptisms this week...but we did see a ton of miracles, and a bunch of people committed to being baptized in April.  So yah a bummer that I won't get to see them be baptized, but as long as they get baptized, that's what's important.

Ronny's dad wouldn't let him get baptized this week, but he gave him permission to be baptized in April.  Aldo, progressed a TON and had a ton of super cool experiences with the holy ghost, and he says that he knows that our church is true, which is awesome.  He committed to be baptized in April too, which would be soo cool, that would mean that I would be able to go to their sealing, if I'm still at Tahiti a year from then.  Tania also is going to get baptized the 15th of April, as well as Parina.  so yah we didn't do a baptism, but we had a ton of success here and set up the next trip, which was our goal.  We also found a bunch of potential investigators that will continue to do lessons over Skype.  So thanks for all of the prayers and those who joined us in fasting, we had an awesome week.

I have a super strong testimony of the priesthood.  I had a lot of really cool experiences this week.  We gave around 5 or 6 blessings this week, and every single blessing brought the person to tears.  The priesthood is so powerful and so real, and it really can work miracles.  

Kinda funny about that tho, we were giving everyone blessings, and this kinda handicapped lady asked us for one too.  She is like super creepy and we had been warned multiple times not to talk too much with her, or else she won't leave us alone and will try and find us and stuff.  But we gave her the blessing, and afterwards she was like bawling.  Then like 15 minutes later I'm talking to Elder Boyd and all of a sudden she comes out of nowhere and embraces me...super awkward haha we had to haul out of there...Hopefully she won't show up at the window or anything, I'll have to sleep with an eye open haha.

This week was super awesome and I learned a ton.  I love all of the members here so much, and all of my converts are doing so well, they bore their testimonies on Sunday and it was awesome the spirit was so strong, I'm so impressed with how we'll they are doing, even without the church really being established here yet.  They have so much faith.

This next week is gonna be pretty crazy.  Tomorrow we get on the plane to head back to Nuku Hiva, where we will wait for President Bize, who arrives 20 minutes after us.  He's coming for the district conference, which is Wednesday and Thursday, so we'll probably spend a lot of time with him before he leaves on Friday.  Then Sunday Elder Ugbah and Fareata from Hiva Oa arrive on airplane, so we're going to have to go and pick them up.  Then Monday morning me and Elder Fareata are getting on the plane to head back to Tahiti.  I'm kinda nervous to spend a few days with President, but I'm excited too, it should be pretty edifying, and I hope I learn some things.

Well that wraps up this week, sorry again that I can't sent pics, but if all goes well they'll come tomorrow.  I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

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