Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Finally a temple trip!

Wow lots of stuff happened this week actually.  I finally went to the temple, that was super cool, its been so long since I've been.  There were no temple trips at Nuku Hiva haha.

Alrighty anyways so last monday...we went and checked out the beach here in our sector.  It's a super cool beach, and there are always tons of surfers there because the waves are way good.  Pretty dope.

On Tuesday we woke up at 4am to go to the temple...It was super cool to finally go to the temple here.  It's super pretty, and super super small.  We were super tired the whole day thought as a result haha.  Luckily I never fell asleep during any of the lessons and Elder Omorodion only fell asleep during 2.

On Wednesday kinda weird we had a lesson with this kid names A. that we teach, who was super tired and not at all interested during the whole lesson...and then after we taught I asked him if he wanted to be baptized, and he like yelled yes haha, he wanted to so bad and we didn't even know.  so we fixed his date for the 8th of April.  Then that night we went to see John Y. and G., some investigators that are getting baptized in June because they have to wait for marriage papers.  But they forgot about the lesson and had some friends over.. so we ended up playing pactenque haha kinda's actually way hard tho, I got wrecked.

On Thursday we had a super busy day planned...11 lessons.  During one of the lessons we rein activated the investigators in the catholic haha.  And we also fixed the baptism of an 11 year old kid names H., he's a stud.

On Friday we had our district meeting, and then that night there was a huge talent show to boot of the stake conference.  For the talent show this bus came and picked up all of the members.  The talent show was way cool, all of the wards did a dance from a different archival.  The Tahitian culture is so cool, I love it so much!

On Saturday we started off the day with our weekly planning.  Then we headed over to one of the investigators house, which is where the fun began.  One of her brothers was there, and he was insane. It was kinda sad, cuz I'm pretty sure the reason he was insane is cuz of drugs.  He started going crazy on us and was like threatening us and then told us about how his friend died on Sunday and how he was the only witness..and then he told us he drinks and smokes an does weed and injections of who know what....and then he ripped off his shirt and got on his knees and like worshipped us and the grabbed our hands and put them on his head and told us to bless him.  So we did our best to explain to him what a blessing is and then he sat on a chair and we did the blessings, and he was bawling the whole time...and then at the end he started talking about how powerful we are and how he could really feel the power...and then he pulled Gordon B Hinckley out of his hat somehow I wonder how he knew his name...and then asked what the new prophets name was, and hauled to find a paper to write his name down and came back with his cigarette pack and told me to write the prophets name on it...yah I didn't, that probably woulda been sacrilegious or something.  Anyways yah a super crazy story, probably the weirdest thing thats happened on my mission.  Stake conference that night was great, and some of our investigators came which was awesome.

Yesterday we had the last sessions of conference, I really liked the stake president's talk, he talked about how we can't just be average members, we really have to do our best and magnify our callings and stuff.  Then after that we had a really cool lesson with a guy and H, a couple that are getting baptized on the 13th of May.  They really needed money for their marriage for them to get baptized on the 13th.  So they prayed and asked for help, and then the next day when Guy went and grabbed his paycheck, it was for 6 times as much as he makes.  He went and talked to his boss to as why, and they didn't know, but said that he can keep the money.  That was a super cool miracle, we really are blessed if we try and do our best and pray with faith.

That's all for this week...this morning we stopped at Papara Pneu, this miracle clothing store int he middle of nowhere haha.  Somehow they get extremely nice brand new brand name clothes from the US, and sell it for NOTHING.  They got a brand new shipment this morning, and I got 300 dollars worth of clothes for 60 bucks.  I decided I better do all of my after the mission shopping while I'm here in Papara, because this place is money hahaha, I love Papara Pneu.  And then later today we have a zone activity at the beach, which should be fun.  Ok ya,

I love you everyone!
Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  The first two are from the beach in our sector, the third one is some dope glasses I've been checkin out for a while, the fourth is us on the bus on the way to the talent show and the fifth is us with some sisters in our ward

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