Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Hey la ora na tout le monde! I made it here to Mahaiatea!  I'm loving it here, I really like my new companion Elder Omorodion, and there is so much work to do here, we are super super busy and have a ton of progressing investigators, we average like 11 investigators at the church.  There is a ton of potential for baptism, and I feel like we are going to have a lot of success here if we work super hard an stay obedient.  We had a baptism on Saturday of someone named Shirley, the daughter of our Elder's quorum president, that has been an investigator for like 2 years.  I'm not gonna take any credit for that one cuz I really didn't do anything haha, but it was awesome to see it and to be there.

So yah my companion is Elder Omorodion, he was born in Nigeria, but moved to France when he was 6.  He speaks super good english and speaks it all the time, he loves american culture.  He also loves rap music, he sings like all day and knows every single song haha kinda funny.  We get along really good together, and we teach really well together.  He's only been here for one transfer, so I hope that we'll have a couple transfers together.  We are in the same house with the ZLs of Paea, which is Elder Prete and then Elder Murdock, who went to Davis haha kinda funny what are the odds.  

So yah on Monday my companion and the ZLs of Paea were there at the airport to pick me up, and we headed back to the house.  We stopped at Carrefour on the way, their equivalent of walmart.  It was so crazy, so big and so much food...It's weird being back in civilization hahah.  The house is pretty nice, it's pretty big...but so messy haha there's so much work to be done...I spent like 2 hours this morning just cleaning the kitchen.

The Tahitians are also a lot different than the Marquisiens, it's kinda hard to explain, but there are just a ton of things they do different and stuff...and the fact that it's a complete different language that they speak haha. And not gonna lie the people are just so much more open here, open to new ideas and are more willing to listen to us and to accept us as servants of the Lord.

We had a lot of really cool experiences this week, and saw a lot of miracles.  One of those happened during a lesson we had with a young couple named guy and H.  They are a reference from a member, which was a couple weeks ago.  They came to church this week, which makes the third time in a row.  During the lesson, we asked them if they wanted to get baptized, and they said that they do, they just need to get married first, and they need to save up some money, so they decided on November.  Well me and Elder Omorodion immediately decided that that wasn't gonna cut it, so I whipped out Alma 34, and then my companion asked them if they'd be baptized on the 15th of April haha.  They looked like dumbfounded and then said they're gonna need money for the marriage, and then Elder Omo told him "no you don't all you need to do is sign a paper at the town hall" hahaha kinda funny, then we talked about how the real marriage is at the temple, and that it can only come after baptism.  They were really touched and they accepted the invitation, and decided that they would be baptized on the 15th super cool.

Well that's about it for this week, thanks for all the prayers and have a great week everyone, nana!

Elder McQuiston 

Pics:  The four of us that were at Nuku Hiva together the second is a pic of Tahiti from the airplane, the third and fourth are from the baptism.

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