Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Beach fun

La ora na tatou,

There wasn't too much that went on this week, it was a pretty calm week.  On Monday tho we did something that was super fun....we went with the ZL ma to a beach that's in our area...and at this particular beach the ocean is super shallow, and stays way shallow for a long time.  And the rule in our mission is that we can only go knee deep in the ocean, so we waded out in the ocean way far, it was pretty dope.  Our recent convert Shirley also cut my hair...she did a pretty good job I'm not complaining, it was a lot better than paying 25 bucks to go tot the haircutters haha.

On Tuesday President Bize did interviews with all of the missionaries in Paea, Papeari, and Taravao.  He was running super late, and we ended up waiting 2 hours for him at the chapel....and then when he finally got there we had about a 2 minute interview where he talked about baptisms.  We also fixed a baptismal date with an investigator named Vaia, she's a little on thinners side, but she reads the book of mormon a ton which is awesome, and we'll do our best to get that baptism done.  

On Wednesday we had a super good coordination meeting, and hopefully that'll motivate our dmp to do a little bit more work.  We also met with cameron, this young boy that we are baptizing this week. We were gonna have two, but the other one we had to push back until May 6th because his dad's plane flight got changed.

Thursday was a super busy day, we didn't even have a single lesson cancelled.  We had two really good lessons with excommunicated members, both of who came to church on Sunday.  We also had a lesson with an investigator who looked up anti mormon stuff and tried to bible bash us and stuff...always my favorite lessons.  We also ate way good sashimi for dinner, one of my favorite meals here.

On Saturday we had a big training for our bishops and DMPs at the stake center, done by the stake president.  And then after it was done we went to the beach and ate some food to start off our fast for our stake.   Also on Saturday by a miracle we found this investigator named noise by some miracle while we were on our way to a plan B, and fixed a lesson with him Tuesday, hopefully he shows up.

Sunday was pretty good, we had a lot of investigators at church.  But really sad, one of our investigators that we just fixed a baptism with went and talked with her husband about the marriage and baptism, and he freaked out and kicked her out of the house.  Super sad, she's super cool too.   We're thinking we might go and try and talk with the husband with our bishop or something, we'll see what goes down. 

Alright that's about it for the week, have a great week everyone!

Elder McQuiston

The first two are from when we went wading in the ocean, and the second two are of my zone at the beach.  

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