Tuesday, April 4, 2017

General Conference

La ora na tout le monde!  I'm pretty sure like every missionary in the world put that as their subject so I had to conform hahah.  we had a pretty good week this week, and I learned a lot from conference.

On Monday after we emailed we were planning on going to the beach, but it was pouring, so we had to use plan B and we went to the chapel and played ping pong and little games with the zone.

On Tuesday morning we had a service project, cutting some manioc plants at a members house.  Something crazy happened, while I was cutting the plants with a machete the machete slipped on the plant and hit directly into my leg. It was super sharp, and should have sliced my leg open, it really hit my leg hard.  But by miracle when I looked down at my leg, there was nothing there.  I know that it was God protecting me, and I'm super lucky and grateful that I didn't have to go to the hospital.  And don't worry mom and Emerie, I'll be more careful next time haha.  We ended that service project with some baseball with nonis haha kinda funny, nobody had ever seen or played baseball before.

On Wednesday we had a multilane conference, with the zones of Paea and Taravao.  It took pretty much the whole day, but it was really good, I learned a ton.  And the trainings that President and Sr Bize and the assistants did were awesome.  Except on thing kind of frustrating, some sister missionaries got caught at the church doing emails at 730 at night after being there for over 5 hours...so now President Bize cracked down not the email time, so if everyone could shorten their emails down a tad that would be much appreciated hahah.

On Thursday we had a pretty good day, we did a bunch of really good lessons with some of our baptism potential investigators, and found a couple new investigators as well.  We also had a coordination meeting at the bishops house...which was not productive at all.  Bishop just talked the whole time haha we might need to change things up a little and do it somewhere else.  But our DMP is a super cool guy, I really like him.  And then kinda funny, we got a call fro the dzs that we live with that the assistants are coming, so to hurry and clean up the house.  We cleaned the house super clean, except the other elders room hahah where we messed everything up super bad hahah.  And then when the assistants went in their room they were like "what in the world is going on in here"  haha kinda funny we had a good laugh.

On Friday we had a lesson with an inactive member who wants to quit smoking, an she said he's going to stop next week.  We offered to fast with him, and then he gave us this super guilty look and was like "uhh...well no maybe in May or June." haha, I get the feeling the "next week" might have been a little...half hearted haha.

On Saturday we had General conference which was awesome, I learned so much.  I really like President Nelsons talk about standing up for whats right, as well as Elder Cordon's talk about languages and preventing the gospel from bing lost in the home.  I also really liked President Uchtdorf's talk about being a good leader/follower.  We had a bunch of investigators there, and a ton of our investigators are really potential, and are doing awesome.  This sector is super great, we have a lot of work to do here, a lot of people that are ready for baptism.

On Sunday I really liked Elder Rasbands talk, about feeling the spirit and acting on promptings the first time, and not second guessing whether it was ourselves or the spirit.  I also really like Elder Palmers talk about charity and seeing people how the Lord sees them, and that hearts won't change without love.  After church we saw an investigator who's named V.  Last week she was like not really potential, a new investigator that wasn't progressing.  But then on Saturday out of nowhere she showed up to conference on there own, and stayed for both sessions.  Well turns out she read a bunch of the Book of Mormon, and prayed an received an answer that it's true.  We read Mosiah 18:8-10 with her, and she wants to get baptized.  That lesson was super cool, and the spirit was super strong.  I love this work, and I know that it is the work of the Lord.  I love my mission so much, and I'm so happy to be able to serve and give back my time for 2 years to the Lord.

Je vous aime!
Elder McQuiston

The first is what our house looks like from the outside the second is a pic of inside our house, the third is from the conference multizone and the last one is a pic of us with a family from France

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