Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Missionary Choir tour

Bonjour tout le monde, sorry that I'm a little late today.  All the missionaries at Tahiti are doing a choir tour around Tahiti next month, and so until then we're going to be practicing every morning at Papeete with all of the missionaries.  It was pretty chill, I got to see my buddies that I haven't seen in forever.  So for the next little while I'll probably be emailing later than usual.

Alrighty so for this week...

last Monday we din't really do a whole lot, we ended up just chilling with this semi-active member named Frank for like 3 to 4 hours, talking about life and stuff.  Not the funnest day activity, but the was really touched and is cleaning up his life, which is awesome and makes it worth it for sure.

On Tuesday i went on a split with Elder Clements, one of our zone leaders.  I went to their sector, which is destroyed, they have like no investigators, and their ward doesn't help them at all.  We did like no lessons the whole day, they only had 1 planned.  But what can you do, I'm glad I don' have to worry about their area haha.  They have a car in their sector, which is complement n'importe quoi, missionary work in a car is way too easy.  I'm so jealous haha

On Wednesday we saw a bunch of our investigators that are really potential.  We have 4 fixed for the month of may for the moment, but we cold easily do 7 if things work out well and we work hard, that's our goal.  We also have some excommunicated members that we are working with that are going to get baptized and come back to church next month most likely, which is awesome. 

On Thursday my ninth month mark ended with a bang...we teach a 11 year old kid named Heiarii, whose mom is inactive, and dad is protestant.  We were teaching him at his grandparents house that are all active, and his protestant grandparents showed up...they food out that he wants to be baptized o his birthday May 6th, and they blew up, yelling in his face that he will never step foot in their house again.  Heiarii started crying.  When things like that happen it's always super sad...so unchristlike.  We're hoping we didn't lose that baptism.

On Friday we had our district meeting, and we had a choir practice with the zone after for our stake tour with the stake presidency.  We had some good lessons after that, and found a really potential new investigator as well.  We ate sushi and sashimi with this really cool excommunicated member namer M., which was my first time trying sushi, it's actually way good.  I shoulda ate it before my mission, I was missing out.

Saturday was Cameron's baptism, which was awesome.  The baptism was nice and simple, and the spirit was strong as always.  He's a pretty cool kid, he really wanted to be baptized, and comes from New Caledonia, and is stagy with his grandparents who are members.

Sunday was super sweet.  We did the first week of our stake tour, an so instead of going to our ward we were at the stake center at Papeari.  We sang a couple songs, and the missionaries that were serving in those wards gave a talk.. We got finished in the afternoon, and then came home and did our weekly planning.  We headed back to the stake center after that, for the easter fireside.  It was super well done, and the spirit was super strong.  We had an investigator there named M.  who wasn't really potential and we were about to la fair, but she was extremely touched by the fireside, and she said she'll give us the final answer Wednesday if she's gonna get baptized or not.

Alrighty until next week, 
Elder McQuiston

The first pic is of the sushi and sashimi-my favorite meal here probably, the second is from Cameron's baptism and the 3rd is a pic from our zone choir tour thing

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