Tuesday, April 25, 2017

No time

today we were at the city almost the whole day, I had to get my bike fixed, and we had to run a bunch of errands as well, so we got back super late....so I don't have like any time today.  But everything is going well, nothing too big happened this week...our investigators are progressing well, and the work is going well here.  We helped an investigator build a house this week for his daughter and son in law.  It only took 4 days to finish it, a lot different than back home.  That's about it for this week, hopefully next week I'll have a little bit more time.  I love you all, and the church is true.

Elder McQuiston

Pic's: a pic with Are, us at Beach Burger, and us with our zone leaders, a party we went to next to our bishops house, me with a recent convert with a nasty fish he caught, me hanging out the window holding a mattress to help some sisters move

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