Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

I had an awesome week this week, and it was topped off talking to you guys.  I'm so glad that everyone is doing great, and it was a lot of fun seeing you guys and talking to you all!

Alrighty, so there isn't a whole lot to say about this week, but I'll share  some of the cool experiences that we had.

So it was pouring the whole week, so being soaked from head to toe all day was pretty fun.  But I came out victorious, because the storm has passed and I'm not sick, so that's good news.  On Tuesday we had a really cool experience.  We headed out on our bikes for our first lesson, which was at the opposite end of the sector, in the pouring rain and super strong wind.  And then we finally get there, and there was nobody at the house...we were kinda disappointed, must as we were leaving that neighborhood, some lady called us over and asked us to meet with her.  Turns out she went to a baptism like three weeks ago and felt the spirit super strong, and ever since she has been thinking about that.  And she is super interested about our church, and before we even said anything she told us she believes our church is true and wants to be baptized.

Friday was also a great day, we had our interviews with President, which was easily the best interview that I've had with him so far.  It was really uplifting, and he told me how much he trusts in me, which was cool.  And then that same day K. and T.  passed their baptismal interview, so everything is good for their baptism on Saturday.

And then Saturday was the marriage and baptism of Guy.  It was an awesome experience, the spirit was so strong the whole day, and they were both so happy.  He's one of my favorite converts, he's such a cool guy, and has such a strong testimony.

Alright that's the rundown for this week, have a great week everyone!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  The baptism and the wedding

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