Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I love papy pizza

This week was good times, we had some miracles and some good laughs as well.

Last Monday we finally had our last choir practice, so after a month and a half we finally have our days back.

On Tuesday we went and tried to find some inactive, and I felt  prompted to go try a house, and turns out it was the inactive we were looking for, and they really needed our help because they were moving these super heavy cement sacks, and the mech was planning one going it all by himself, so we helped them out for a couple of hours.

On Wednesday we really needed some new investigators, so we decided to go and visit some members, and ask them if they know anyone that we could go visit.  One of the members just barely got back from France, an she pulled out this super lux expensive box of macarons for us to eat while we were there.  Welp turns out they were super good, and by the time we left there weren't any more macarons left...whoops.

Thursday we had a pretty weird day, we started off the day doing a coodination meeting with our dump for the first time in a month or so, and then came back home and said goodbye to Elder Terry and elder Murdock, who left for Raromaitai, Tahaa and Radiate.  We did our weekly planning after that, and then headed out to the airport to pick up elder Gilstrap, who was the elder that replaced me at Nuku Hiva, and now he's staying at the house with us.

Friday we had our district meeting, and we have some new missionaries in our zone.  The district meeting was in French, and everything flew right over the green's heads, so funny haha those cute little guys, I remember when that was me, the first week in the field.

Saturday my companion skipped his parents for mother's day in the morning, and then the DZ's came and gave us a ride to Faaa to drop off elder Omorodion, who got invited to a baptism of a family that he found and taught.  I spend the day with the DZ's, and we managed the tow sectors with their car.  elder Omorodion didn't get back until 6:00, 3 hours longer than when hew as supposed to get back, we were pretty worried and the DZ's were not happy.

Then Sunday at church a brother of a member showed up for the first time, already with a desire to be baptized.  Such a crazy miracle, idk what we do to deserve these kind of miracles, but I know that the success that we have here in this sector is the Lord's doing, not ours.  Right after church we headed to Taravao for the first missionary choir concert.  I was really impressed, it was crazy good and the spirit was super super strong.   I have no idea how we pulled that off, because the last rehearsal was so bad haha.  But super funny, right before the concert we did a little rehearsal, and some guy put a mic like right in front of my face.  And then I don't know what happened, but in the middle of one of the songs I accidentally started singing in English, and it played way loud over the speaker hahahah all the 100ish missionaries started dying.  whoops!

That's the rundown the week, Je vice time tour, passed un bon semaine!

Pic's:  Me and Elder Terry and Elder Murdock before they left, and a picture of Taravoa.

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