Monday, May 1, 2017

Semaine 105

Bonjour tout le monde!

Not too bad of a week this week.  On Tuesday we had a multilane conference all day with president Bize and the assistants.  It was awesome, there was a lot of really edifying things that were discussed, and there were some good ideas about how to improve the missionary work here.  We also ate with Miri, who took us out to eat once again, that makes 4 weeks in a row.

On Thursday we had kind of a weird day...all of our lessons before 2:00 got cancelled....kinda null but none of them were super potential, so not too big of a deal.  But way good news, Maiana FINALLY fixed her baptismal date!  I love that family so much, and I'm way pumped that she finally fixed her date.  Oh also kind of a funny story...after one of our lessons during the evening both of us really needed to relieve ourselves, so we pulled onto this tiny side road and started peeing in the bushes.  And then what do you know, some lady comes riding  by on her bike...she caught us right in the act, and there was nothing we could do, so I just turned my head around, and just said "Bonsoir!"  Haha kinda funny we had a good laugh.

On Saturday we found a miracle new investigator named R., Who is super cool, and is super ready to be baptized, she has been ready for 5 months, but she moved and lost contact with the missionaries for a while.  We also did a big service project with the Tehaamatahais, moving dirt around and helping them build their new home.  Then Bishop took us out to eat for dinner...we're spoiled haha

Yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting on the atonement and grace.  It went pretty good, I talked for around 10 minutes.  Then Elder O was supposed to speak after me for the same amount of time, followed by the stake president.  But he ended up speaking for 25 minutes haha, and the stake president didn't even get up to speak because there was not time.  Pretty funny, classic Farani haha

Today we did a way dope hike that took us 2 hours up and 2 hours back with the zone of Paea.  It was super super pretty, and way fun, I got to talk with Elder Dayton, my buddy from my promotion.  At the end of the hike was a waterfall, with a way cool natural water was the worst, all of us wanted to get in so bad...we better come back after the mission, right dad?

Alrighty have a good week everyone, I love you all!

Pic's: Our gospel principles class and pic's from the hike

Elder McQuiston

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