Monday, May 8, 2017

Patience through trials

La ora na mes etres chers,

Well this week ended up being an awesome week, even though we had a lot of trials.  It was a big testimony builder that we need to be patient through trials and trust in the Lord, because if we do what we have been asked to do the Lord will always take care of things at the end of the day.  I really like the quote by President Hinckley, "perseverez, Croyez.  Soyuz heureux.  Ne vice decouragez pas.  Les choses finiront par s'arranger."  I have a firm testimony that everything will always end up right, we just need to endure with patience our trials, and always be happy.

So for the week, Tuesday was super tough...we had 7 lessons planned, and a lot of them were important, for our baptism Saturday and next Saturday.  And all of our lessons were cancelled.  Super stressful.  So we decided to relieve the stress by picking coconuts off some coconut trees..a coco fell off and wrecked Elder O's finger, but hey no problem.

On Wednesday we had some decent lessons, also kinda funny, we were looking for someone in a neighborhood, and we asked this guy who said he had no idea who he was, he'd lived there for 40 years and had never heard of him before.   Turns out it was his next door neighbor haha.  We also fixed 2 baptisms with these two little girls that I really like.  One that is 9 and the other 10, their family is awesome, we are over a their house like almost every day.

Thursday we also fixed a baptism with K., a 14 yr. old boy that we've been doing lessons with for a couple weeks.  We did our coordination meeting with Bishop, because our DMP has worked a lot lately and has abandoned us.  And then Miri took us to a way nice restaurant at Paea for dinner.

On Saturday was Are's baptism.  It was a miracle that everything went well, without a DMP and with all the stuff that came up.  But everything went smoothly, and I am super happy that he is finally baptized, he's an awesome kid.  We also had a miracle with G., our investigator that will get baptized next Saturday.  We couldn't see him at all this week, and we had a great lesson with him, and ended up doing his baptismal interview, and he passed, everything is good!  We were super worried about that, but the Lord took care of things, a huge blessing.  G. is super awesome, one of my favorite investigators, and the most sincerely repentant investigator that I've taught.

That's about if for this week, I'm excited for Mother's day on Sunday!  Je vous aime!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  the beach right outside our house, a pic of our street, me with Are and another one from the baptism

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