Monday, June 19, 2017

My new comp Elder Thorpe

What's uuuuppp everyone?

So yep my new companion is Elder Thorpe!  He's from Tooele, an he's been on his mission for 22 months, he'll probably finish here in Mahaiatea with me.  He's a super nice kid, and I really like him, we should have a lot of fun here together.

There wasn't a whole lot that happened this week,  the most part was spent showing Elder Thorpe around and introducing him to all the members and investigators.  In terms of investigators, G. is doing amazing, he is so ready for baptism.  We just barely did his baptismal interview yesterday, and everything is good for his baptism this Saturday.  He has such a strong testimony, and is soo pumped for his baptism, he's a great guy.  On the other hand tho, E. and M. dropped off the face of the earth this week...they stopped coming to church, and stopped answering their phones, and are never at the house....I don't know what happened, but if you can keep them in your prayers, I love that family.

We also got the chance to go to the temple this week, which was awesome.  Going to the temple really does recharge our spiritual battery.  I can't wait to be able to go every week again when I get home.  I hope that everyone is taking advantage of that huge blessing that we have, it is the best place on this earth to receive revelation and feel peace.  Speaking of the temple, the temple president came and spoke in our ward yesterday, and his message was super cool.  We can't forget our ancestors, because with out us they can't be saved, and equally without doing their work for them we can't be saved either.

Funny story of the week...on like Wednesday we had an hour or so without anything planned or anything to do, so we had to result to some contacting.  The first house that we went to, this guy came out, and started ranting to us about the Catholic church.  He literally wouldn't give us any time to speak, and wouldn't let us leave either.  No joke he talked to us for an hour straight.   It was a nice lesson for us...contacting does NOT work here in Tahiti hahah.

I love you all, passez une bonne semaine!

Elder McQuiston

Pic:  The first one is us trying on some dance ritual hat things, good ol Davy Croc, the second is us with the family Coulon, and man that cake was so good.  The third is our new district, Elder Rice on the left and Elder Lewis sitting down, which are the zone leaders, and then me and Elder Thorpe.

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