Monday, June 26, 2017


Bonjour tout le monde!

This week I don't have a ton of time, because we're going to Moorea with the Paea ZL's.  I'm super pumped it should be way fun, and I most likely won't get another chance to go to Moorea on my mission so we're getting the most out of this trip, and we'll be there all day.

Last week's pday was also super fun, we went to the other side of Tahiti with the zone, which is called the "almost island", or Taravao.  We went to McDonald's over there for lunch and then headed around the one side of the island to Tautira, where we played beach soccer against these kids that were there.  It started pouring rain on us out of nowhere, and so we hustled to the car soaking wet, and headed back home.   We still had a bunch of time left, so we hit up some chess.

Saturday was G.'s baptism.   We went early to fill up the font, but it was all dirty so we had to wash it and stuff, which took a little bit of time.  Turns out that we didn't start it early enough, and by the beginning of the service it was only like halfway full, and needed like 45ish more minutes.  But like 15 minutes into the service when it was time for the baptism we went and checked it out, and it was all the way full.  We definitely cut that one close.  But besides that the baptism was awesome, we had probably 10 investigators there, and the spirit filled up that room, everyone was really touched.   G.'s testimony was really cool to hear as well, he is so happy to be able to have this second chance and really has a strong testimony of the church and the book of mormon  I was so happy to be able to see him enter into the waters of baptism.

Friday we also got the opportunity to go to them temple with G. and H.  it was a really cool experience, we weren't able to go inside because H. isn't baptized yet, but we did a tour of the temple grounds.  Both of them really felt the spirit, especially when we talked about eternal marriage.

Other than that, the week was a little bit rough.  We are in the rebuilding phase, trying to find some new investigators.  Contacting isn't effective at all in this mission, it takes 300 houses to get 1 baptism.  On the other hand on average we get 1 baptism every 10 member referrals.  So we spent the most part of then week visiting all of the members, sharing a message with them and committing them to share the gospel with their friends and family.

Je vous aime tous!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  The first one is a tour of the temple with G. and H.  the second is from G's baptism.  The rest are from Moorea.

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