Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Just building my house

E aha tera mea i te mau fenua, no te utuafare i te reo faaineine.  Ua faarue au i te reo Tahiti!

Alrighty so last week:

Thursday- we went to do the first lesson with one of our new investigators, Gaspard, at a members house.  When we got there, we found out that his wife had just barely died of cancer a few hours earlier.  We talked to him about the plan of salvation, and he was super touched, the spirit was super strong and he was in tears.  He said that he really wants to be baptized, so we fixed his baptism for the 24th.  It was such a miracle that we found him, and I know that the Lord was preparing him for us.

Saturday-We also fixed a baptism on Saturday for the 8th of July, with one of our investigators names Raf.  She is super ready for her baptism, and comes to church every Sunday, she just needs to get married, so we're really hoping that everything will go well for her to be married and baptized the 8th. 

Wednesday-Yeah nothing notable happened on Wednesday. Sorry Wednesday.

Monday-After we did our mail on Monday we headed to Puunauia with all the Elders from Puunauia and Paea to play basketball.  It was way fun, but holy I am so out of shape, we were all so dead.  Gotta get back to real exercising...

Friday- About halfway through the day we didn't have anything to do, so we did contacting for the first time in this area.  We felt prompted to got to a house, and turns out that at the very first house that we contact, there was a 17 yr old girl that is really good friends with a recent convert in our ward, and she really wants to do the lessons with us. Kinda cool.

Sunday went awesome, it was one of my favorite weeks at church.  In our gospel principles class, we had 4 really potential investigators, our dump, and then our recent convert.  We had a super good discussion on baptism, and then our recent convert bore his testimony on his baptismal experience.  It was super super powerful, all of our investigators were way touched.  I'm super proud of him, he is such an awesome guy, and it is so cool to see how happy the gospel has made him.  That's what the mission is all about.  And then we did our missionary concert at Faaa, which went awesome like last week.  There was a member of the 70 there from New Caledonia named Elder Thompson.  He gave a message at the end, which was really inspired, you could just feel that he was so close to the Lord,a really touching experience.


Je vous aime!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  The first one is us with the captian of Tahitian national beach soccer team, that just won second in the beach soccer world cup a couple of weeks ago.  The second one is an action shot of me building my house on a way dope spot we found, and the third and fourth are selfies from the same spot.

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