Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Nana Elder Omorodion

Bonjour tout le monde!

As you guys can tell by the subject, Elder Omorodion is getting transferred.  He is going to Bora Bora...I'm a little envious.  My new companion is Eder Thorpe.  He's coming later today, so I'll tell you about him next week.  I had an awesome time serving with Elder Omorodion, we had some great times together, and had a lot of laughs.  And now he's leaving on vacay...I'm going to be the senior companion this transfer, as well as the district leader.

We had a pretty decent week this week, in terms of missionary work.  We have a  few investigators with their baptismal date fixed, and a few others that are potential.  After last month we are in the rebuilding stage, working on expanding our teaching pool and finding some new potential investigators, as well as helping the few that we have enter into the waters of baptism.

Last Monday we went on a super sweet hike, and there was a super cool waterfall/pond at the end, super tough not to swim haha.  There are hundreds of super cool hikes here that lead to waterfalls, I'm pretty sure if you lived here you could never get sick of the hikes, so dope.

On Tuesday we didn't get to do a whole lot of missionary work, because we had our multizone conference.  It was the last one that I'll have with President Bize, kinda crazy.  It was a great conference, there were some great messages shared.

On Wednesday one of our investigators names V. said that she doesn't wanna get baptized, because she "isn't ready to get married".  After 8 or so years of being together.  Tahitians kill me!  We taught all of our young recent converts after that....man teaching kids is rough, I could not make it as an elementary school teacher.  We also had a lesson with M., one of our investigators with her baptismal date fixed.  I really like teaching her, she understands really well what we teach.  It is so rare here to find people that 1. understand what you teach, or 2 accept what you teach them.  When you find someone with both of the two, it's sooo nice haha.

On Thursday we headed out early to do a service project, helping one of our investigators make news.  I thought we were doing pretty good, I was liking how my nems were looking.  But apparently the ladies that we were helping didn't really think so... because they politely told us that they'd finish the rest...we should probably avoid those kind of service projects going forward haha.  We also contacted these kids that were playing Yu Gi Oh, who weren't so happy that we interrupted their Yu Gi Oh game, but who accepted us to come back another day...we'll see if they'll actually be there haha.

Friday we did splits with the Zone leaders.  Elder McLelland came to our sector, and my companion went to theirs.  We had a pretty good day, we did a lesson with Guy, who is doing great.  We also taught G. who talked our ears off, but who accepted the lesson and made the decision to from that point onward would never break the word of wisdom again, which was awesome.

Did we have Saturday this week?

Sunday was super cool, Guy blessed the sacrament for the first time, which was super cool to see.  We did the missionary concert at Mahina after that, which was dope because it allowed us to do the tour of Tahiti, which was the first time that I've done that.

Thanks for your love and support, have a good week!

Elder McQuiston

Alrighty for the pics...
The first one is our gospel principles class

The second and third are me with some lobsters, Lobster is sooo good

The fourth an fifth was our goodbye for Elder McLelland, one of our zone leaders who is going to Raiatea

And then the last one is us with the Palmer family

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