Monday, July 10, 2017

1st half down, 2nd half to go

Well I've decided now that I've reached the halfway mark I'm gonna take a halftime, so for the next few weeks or so we are just gonna chill at the house.  Kidding guys don't worry.  But it is so weird to be at the hump mark already...time has gone by sooo fast.  And everybody says that the second year goes by even faster.  I sure hope it doesn't, because I am not ready to leave my island, I love it here so much.

So on Tuesday we had our welcoming party for our new mission president, President Fox.  He is a really nice guy, and was super upbeat and made a bunch of jokes.  It was really really weird to be honest, he is a lot different from President Bize.  His french is a little rusty, but he definitely gets by.  I'm excited to get to know him better, and to finish the rest of my mission with him.

In terms of the work, it picked up a lot this week.  We had a lot of miracles this week, we found a bunch of investigators that are really potential, and we got some good member references as well, which are the best.  It was a lot better than last week, that's for sure.  The infection in Elder Thorpe's leg is gone, so we were able to work hard this week, which was awesome!

Kind of a funny story, we went to this little neighborhood behind the golf course and way in the mountains.  It was the first time that I had been to this neighborhood.  The road was super steep and covered in mud, and we decided to balader to the very last house on the road.  We did a little bit of contacting and actually found an inactive family which was cool, and then came back to the house to shower and change before our next lesson, because we were covered in sweat and mud.  When we got there, President Fox and his wife were there, who were in the middle of doing a tour of Tahiti to inspect all of the houses.  A little bit awkward, we just show up drenched in sweat and mud haha...but he's a way cool guy, and our house is way clean so it was all good.  

Already 1 year weird. 
I love you all!
Elder McQuiston

Pics: The first pic is of us hiding under a banana tree leaf, because it started pouring on us and we didn't have our ponchos with us.  The second is a pic up above the golf course.

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